TKNN formula for general lattice Hamiltonian in odd dimensions
T. Onogi*, H. Fukaya, S. Yamaguchi and X. Wu
Pre-published on:
January 03, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
Topological insulators in odd dimensions are characterized by topological numbers. We prove the well-known relation between the topological number given by the Chern character of the Berrycurvature and the Chern-Simons level of the low energy effective action for a general class of Hamiltonians bilinear in the fermion with general U(1) gauge interactions including non-minimal couplings by an explicit calculation. A series ofWard-Takahashi identities are crucial to relate the Chern-Simons level to a winding number, which could then be directly reduced to Chern character of Berry curvature by carrying out the integral over the temporal momenta.
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