In disagreement with a lot of recent literature, I shall argue that only at least two (extragalactic) gravitational-wave signals have so far been (strong enough to be) correctly interpreted, and evaluated as emitted by the merging of a binary neutron-star system. All (> seven) others were emitted too far from our Milky-Way Galaxy to be convincingly interpreted. No further comparably energetic source types are expected; in particular, Black Holes do not qualify.
My conviction that Black Holes are inconsistent -- even with our human existence -- is detailed in section 2. In particular, in sections 3 and 4, I repeat my understanding of the (million of) `galactic rotational motions' as blown not by their central SMBH, but rather by their central Burning Disk (=: BD), a most powerful nuclear reactor.
In section 5, I discuss a large number of errors which can crop up in the discussion of our observations unless they have been correctly interpreted via all the inorganic machines which are active around us, in our Universe.
Finally, in section 6, I update my (almost universal) model of `stellar jets' to include `quasar jets', launched by their (massive) central BD.