Monte Carlo study of single SST-1M prototype for Cherenkov Telescope Array
J. Jurysek*,
I. Al Samarai,
C.M. Alispach,
M. Balbo,
A.M. Barbano,
V. Beshley,
A. Biland, J. Blazek, J. Błocki, J. Borkowski, T. Bulik, F.R. Cadoux, L. Chytka, V. Coco, N. De Angelis, D. della Volpe, Y. Favre, T. Gieras, M. Grudzińska, P. Hamal, M. Heller, M. Hrabovsky, J. Kasperek, K. Koncewicz, A. Kotarba, É. Lyard, E. Mach, D. Mandat, S. Michal, J. Michalowski, R. Moderski, T. Montaruli, A. Nagai, D. Neise, J. Niemiec, T.R. Njoh Ekoume, M. Ostrowski, M. Palatka, P. Pasko, M. Pech, B. Pilszyk, H. Przybilski, P. Rajda, Y. Renier, P. Rozwadowski, P. Schovanek, K. Seweryn, V. Sliusar, D. Smakulska, D. Sobczyńska, Ł. Stawarz, J. Świerblewski, P. Świerk, P. Travnicek, I. Troyano Pujadas, R. Walter, M. Wiecek, A. Zagdański, K. Zietara on behalf of the CTA Consortiumet al. (click to show)*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The SST-1M telescope was developed as a prototype of a Small-Size-Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array observatory and it has been extensively tested in Krakow since 2017. In this contribution we present validation of the Monte Carlo model of the prototype and expected performance in Krakow conditions. We focus on gamma/hadron separation and mono reconstruction of energy and gamma photon arrival direction using Machine learning methods.
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