Constraining the Properties of the Interstellar Turbulence around Geminga using HAWC Measurements
G. Giacinti* and R. Lopez-Coto
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
Extended gamma-ray emissions around sources of cosmic-rays can be used as probes of the interstellar magnetic fields around these sources. Using HAWC measurements in the Geminga region, we put constraints on the parameters of the turbulence within $\simeq 25$ pc from Geminga pulsar. We propagate $\sim 100$ TeV electrons in 3D turbulence, and compare their gamma-ray emission with the measurements. We find that the measurements are compatible with expectations for Kolmogorov or Kraichnan turbulence with reasonable root-mean-square strengths $B_{\rm rms} \approx 3\,\mu$G and coherence lengths $l_{\rm c} \approx 1$ pc.
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