Geometry and optics calibration of LHAASO-WFCTAusing star light
L. Ma*, Z. Shoushan, Y. Zhiyong on behalf of the LHAASO Collaboration
Pre-published on:
July 22, 2019
Published on:
July 02, 2021
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is building in DaoCheng China. The Wide field of view Cherenkov Telescope Array as one of important parts of LHAASO, is used to study the individual energy spectra of cosmic rays by measuring the Cherenkov light generated by air showers. The pointing accuracy of the telescopes is important for the reconstructions of primary particles. While the shape of the Cherenkov image, the total photons and the missing photons due to un-perfect connections between two pixels on the camera are important for the energy reconstruction of the primary particles. UV bright stars are used as point-like objects to calibrate the pointing and to study the optical properties of the camera, the spot size and the fractions of unrecorded photons in the insensitive areas of the camera. With the calibration of bright UV stars, the pointing accurancy of the LHAASO-WFCTA is about 0.06$^\circ$,. The spot cuased by a bright star is a guas shape with 0.2$^\circ$
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