Collection and harmonization of system logs and prototypal Analytics services with the Elastic (ELK) suite at the INFN-CNAF computing centre
T. Diotalevi*, D. Bonacorsi, A. Falabella, L. Giommi, B. Martelli, D. Michelotto, L. Morganti and S. Rossi Tisbeni
Published on:
November 21, 2019
The distributed Grid infrastructure for High Energy Physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva comprises a set of computing centres, spread all over the world, as part of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG). In Italy, the Tier-1 functionalities are served by the INFN-CNAF data center, which provides also computing and storage resources to more than twenty non-LHC experiments. For this reason, a high amount of logs are collected each day from various sources, which are highly heterogeneous and difficult to harmonize. In this contribution, a working implementation of a system that collects, parses and displays the log information from CNAF data sources and the investigation of a Machine Learning based predictive maintenance system, is presented.
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