ISGC2019 - (other isgc conferences)
31st March - 5th April 2019
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published November 21, 2019
Entries on ADS

The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2019 & Soundscape Conference will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan from 31 March ~ 5 April 2019, with co-located events and workshops. The main theme of ISGC 2019 is “Efficient and safe processing of FAIR Open Data”.


To achieve the full potential of Open Data and Open Science, scientists should be able to focus on their area of interest and be shielded from the internal complexity of e-infrastructures and the needs to manually deal with the different data formats, input and output constraints of used tools, the authentication and access control and any other technical or technological obstacles that are still part of the current data processing and analysis environments. This is emphasized by the FAIR concept -- data must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable. New approaches are emerging, hiding the complexity of the underlying computing and data fabrics, exposing just integrated views through scientific portals and gateways, notebooks and other virtual computing environments that promise to enhance the efficiency of work with advanced and complex contemporary e-infrastructures. On the other hand, possible privacy issues related to the Data collected and new, easy-to-deploy analysis methods like those applying deep neural networks, remind us of the need for proper security tools and environments and create new challenges for dealing with private and sensitive data and derived information. 

Editorial Board

  • Kento Aida
    National Institute Of Informatics
  • Daniele Bonacorsi
  • Alexandre M.J.J Bonvin
    Utrecht Univ. NL
  • Arthur Ya-Ning Chen
    Tamkang University, TW
  • Gang Chen
  • Patrick Fuhrmann
  • David Groep
  • Mark Hedges
    King's College London
  • Bor-Shouh Huang
    Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, TW
  • David Kelsey
  • Dieter Kranzlmüller
    LMU Munich, DE
  • Yannick Legre
  • Simon C. Lin
    Academia Sinica, TW
  • Frank C.S. Liu
    Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU)
  • Ludek Matyska
  • Tomoaki Nakamura
    KEK, JP
  • Junichi Tanaka
    ICEPP, The University of Tokyo
  • Andrea Valassi
    CERN, CH
  • Alexander Voss
    University of St. Andrews, UK
conference main image
Data Management & Big Data
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Applications
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Physics & Engineering Applications
Supercomputing, High Throughput Computing, Accelerator Technologies, and their Integration
Data Management & Big Data
Russian academic institutes participation in WLCG DataLake project
A. Kiryanov, A. Klimentov, X. Espinal and A. Zarochentsev
Towards Predictive Maintenance with Machine Learning at the INFN-CNAF computing centre
L. Giommi, D. Bonacorsi, T. Diotalevi, L. Rinaldi, L. Morganti, A. Falabella, E. Ronchieri, A. Ceccanti, B. Martelli and S. Tisbeni
Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications
Building an IT Infrastructure for Citizen Science Research on Climate Change
A. Batsaikhan, J. Weismüller and S. Hachinger
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Applications
A Smart City Approach of Pedestrians’ Spatial Experience in Night Markets using Space Syntax Analysis
C.A. Jaime Gomez, S.A. Sanchez Alquijay and R.S.M. Wang
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Building a scalable, interactive and event-driven computing platform in multi-cloud environments with dCache
M. Schuh, P. Fuhrmann, P. Millar and T. Mkrtchyan
Building an elastic batch system with private and public clouds
W. Takase, T. Nakamura, K. Murakami and T. Sasaki
Toward Single Sign-on Establishment for Inter-Cloud Environment
E. Sakane, T. Nishimura, K. Aida and M. Nakamura
Network, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Architecture of a Resource Manager for Software-Defined IT Infrastructure
Y. Matsui, Y. Watashiba, Y. Kido, S. Date and S. Shimojo
Building a minimum viable Security Operations Centre for the modern grid environment
D. Crooks and L. Vâlsan
Cyber security monitoring and data analysis at IHEP
T. Yan, H. Hu, D. An, F. Qi and C. Jiang
Smooth migration of a feature-rich vulnerability analysis engine within a security portal for users with divergent skill levels
Collection and harmonization of system logs and prototypal Analytics services with the Elastic (ELK) suite at the INFN-CNAF computing centre
T. Diotalevi, D. Bonacorsi, A. Falabella, L. Giommi, B. Martelli, D. Michelotto, L. Morganti and S. Rossi Tisbeni
CILogon: Enabling Federated Identity and Access Management for Scientific Collaborations
J. Basney, H. Flanagan, T. Fleury, J. Gaynor, S. Koranda and B. Oshrin
A Blueprint of Log Based Monitoring and Diagnosing Framework in Large Distributed Environments
Y. Zhao, X. Wang, H. Xiao and X. Chi
Physics & Engineering Applications
Integration of the Italian cache federation within the CMS computing model
D. Ciangottini, G. Bagliesi, M. Biasotto, T. Boccali, D. Cesini, G. Donvito, A. Falabella, E. Mazzoni, D. Spiga and M. Tracolli
Improving efficiency of analysis jobs in CMS
L. Cristella and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
An Overview of the Database Framework for GEM Detector under CMS Experiment at CERN
M. Imran, R. Atif Shad, A. Ur-Rehman, U. Joshi, A. Silale and T. Kamon
R&D for the expansion of the Tokyo regional analysis center using Google Cloud Platform
M. Kaneda, J. Tanaka, T. Mashimo, R. Sawada, T. Kishimoto and N. Matsui
Machine Learning Techniques for Software Analysis of Unlabelled Program Modules
E. Ronchieri, M. Canaparo and D. Salomoni
Design Innovation for Intergenerational Services
S.A. Sanchez Alquijay, C.A. Jaime Gomez and R.S.M. Wang
Simulation of the cache hit rate for data readout at the Tokyo Tier-2 center
T. Kishimoto, J. Tanaka, T. Mashimo, M. Kaneda and N. Matsui
Supercomputing, High Throughput Computing, Accelerator Technologies, and their Integration
The BondMachine toolkit: Enabling Machine Learning on FPGA
M. Mariotti, L. Storchi, D. Spiga, D. Salomoni, T. Boccali and D. Bonacorsi
A Resource-saving Job Monitoring System of High Performance Computing using Parent and Child Process
K. Piyoungkorn, P. Thaenkaew and C. Vorakulpipat
Authentication and Authorization for RESTful WEB API in Scientific Computing Environment
R. Cao, Y. Wang, X. Chi, R. He, S. Lu and X. Wang