NEWS-G: Light dark matter search with a Spherical Proportional Counter
Published on:
September 19, 2019
The New Experiments With Spheres-Gas (NEWS-G) Collaboration aims to shed light on the dark matter sector using the Spherical Proportional Counter. NEWS-G uses light noble gases as targets, to search for light dark matter in the $0.1$ - $10$ GeV range. SEDINE, a $60$ cm in diameter spherical proportional counter, already operates in the Underground Laboratory of Modane, while the full-scale detector - $140$ cm in diameter - is currently under construction. The first results from NEWS-G, based on 9.7 kg$\cdot$days of exposure, are presented, obtaining a 90% confidence level upper limit of $4.4\cdot 10^{37}$ cm$^{2}$ on the nucleon-dark matter interaction cross-section for a candidate with a mass $0.5$ GeV. Recent developments in various aspects of the detector are discussed, along with the status of the project and future prospects.
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