The source of polarized ions (SPI) and low energy polarimeter for the NUCLOTRON facility
V. Fimushkin*, R.A. Kuzyakin, M.V. Kulikov, L.V. Kutuzova, Y.V. Prokofichev, A.M. Shumkov, A.S. Belov, A.V. Turbabin and V.N. Zubets
Pre-published on:
August 19, 2019
Published on:
August 23, 2019
The paper describes the JINR polarized ion source operating by means of the atomic beam method. The latest results of the SPI testing are presented. Polarized and unpolarized deuteron beams as well as the polarized proton beam were produced to accelerate in the NUCLOTRON. The conceptual design of a new universal low energy polarimeter at NUCLOTRON is also presented. It is proposed to install a new polarimeter behind the linear accelerator. The 3He target of this setup allows one to carry out measuring both the vector polarization of protons and vector and tensor polarization of deuterons. It is assumed that the new design of the polarimeter will make it possible to measure vector and tensor polarization of deuterons at the same time. Fabrication of the basic parts of the modern polarimeter is in progress now.
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