Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) provide a three-dimensional parametrization of the
quarks and gluons inside the nucleon, which provides a particularly valuable insight on the orbital
angular momentum of quarks and gluons. GPDs may be determined with measurement of exclu-
sive electroproduction processes such as Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) $eN \rightarrow eN \gamma$.
In particular, measurement on the neutron, combined with measurements on the proton, provides
a particularly interesting combination of observables which give a strong constraint on the orbital
angular momentum of partons. We propose to measure the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
(DVCS) on the neutron, using a deuterium target, and with spectator proton tagging. Such a
technique allows to unambiguously identify the neutron-DVCS events from proton and coher-
ent deuterium DVCS events, and to apply corrections to the nuclear effect of the neutron in the
deuteron. We describe here this experiment, its assets, and projections will be discussed.