Scaling properties of high $p_{\rm T}$ light hadrons from small to large systems by PHENIX
I. Mitrankov* and On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 11, 2019
Published on:
April 24, 2019
To study properties of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) PHENIX has performed measurements of light hadrons ($π^0$, $η$ and other hadrons with masses up to ~1GeV) in a broad set of projectile-target combinations including $p+Au$, $d+Au$, $^3He+Au$, $Cu+Cu$, $Cu+Au$, $Au+Au$, and $U+U$. This rich collection of data sets allows for detailed studies of parton energy loss in large systems, exploring various scaling behaviors from RHIC to LHC. We also explore the evolution of the hadron spectra with system size. In particular, the multiplicity dependence of hadron production in small systems is examined for signs of energy loss at high $p_T$, and collective effects at low $p_T$.
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