Probing jet medium interaction via dijet and photon-jet $p_{\rm T}$ imbalances
L. Chen, G.Y. Qin, S.y. Wei*, B.W. Xiao and H.z. Zhang
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 11, 2019
Published on: April 24, 2019
In the recent two papers, we establish the Sudakov resummation improved perturbative QCD calculation approach to quantitatively study the dijet and photon-jet transverse momentum imbalances in high energy proton-proton collisions. The hard splittings have been taken into account by the next-to-leading order calculation in perturbative QCD, while, the soft gluon radiations (parton shower) have been taken care of by the Sudakov resummation. Based on BDMPS energy loss approach, we calculate the transverse momentum imbalances in the nucleus-nucleus collisions as well and extract the value of $\hat q$. This proceeding is a summary of these two papers.
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