Measurement of isolated photon-hadron and jet correlations in 5 TeV pp and p–Pb collisions with the ALICE detector at the LHC
M. Arratia* on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 11, 2019
Published on:
April 24, 2019
Photon-jet correlations are a promising channel for the study of parton energy loss in nuclear collisions. While existing measurements in pp and nuclear collisions have used high energy photons and jets, we focus on an unexplored kinematic range given by $12<p_{\mathrm{T}}<30$ GeV/$c$ photons and the corresponding low jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$. We present results obtained using 5.02 TeV pp and p-Pb ~collisions. A combination of isolation and electromagnetic shower-shape variables is used to reduce the large background from meson decays and fragmentation photons. We show how the access to this kinematic range of hard probes was achieved with a novel combination of high rate and low-momentum tracking using the electromagnetic calorimeters and the inner tracking system of the ALICE experiment.
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