Introducing HIJING++: the Heavy Ion Monte Carlo Generator for the High-Luminosity LHC Era
G. Bíró*, G.G. Barnaföldi, G. Papp, M. Gyulassy, P. Levai, X.N. Wang and B.W. Zhang
Pre-published on:
January 13, 2019
Published on:
April 24, 2019
Beyond 2025 we will enter the High-Luminosity era of the LHC, right after the upgrades of the third Long Shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The ongoing state-of-the-art experimental instrument upgrades require high-performance simulation support in the background, that is modern, robust, and comes with long term support. The original FORTRAN based HIJING Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator) has been used intensively since almost three decades by the high energy physics and heavy-ion community. However, it is getting overly challenging to conform to these new requirements. Our novel Monte Carlo event generator, the HIJING++ is the successor of the old FORTRAN version containing all the physics that its predecessor have. Moreover, among others a flexible module handling layer and an analysis interface is also introduced. This latter supports the most popular event container formats such as simple ascii, ROOT and the HepMC format, together with RIVET support. In this paper we compare the pre-release results of HIJING++ with proton-proton experimental data and Pythia8 calculations.
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