The Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter is composed of un-doped CsI crystals coupled to large
area Silicon Photomultipliers. A modular and custom SiPM layout consisting of a 3x2 array of
6x6 mm2 UV-extended monolithic SiPMs has been developed to fulfill the Mu2e calorimeter requirements. After a preliminary testing phase on pre-production prototypes, Hamamatsu has been
selected as vendor and the production of 4000 devices is ongoing. A detailed Quality Assurance
(QA) process is being carried out on each device using an automatized test station able to measure
the breakdown voltage, the gain and the dark current at three temperatures (-10◦ C, 0◦ C and 20◦
C) and under vacuum. Up to 20 SiPMs can be characterized at the same time. We present the
design of the test station and the measurement techniques, as well as a summary of the results
obtained from the first tested batches of photosensors.