Accretion is a universal phenomenon that takes place in the vast majority of astrophysical objects. The progress of ground-based and space-borne observational facilities has resulted in the great amount of information on various accreting astrophysical objects, collected within the last decades. The accretion is accompanied by the process of extensive energy release that takes place on the surface of an accreting object and in various gaseous envelopes, accretion disk, jets and other elements of the flow pattern. The results of observations inspired the intensive development of accretion theory, which, in turn, enabled us to study unique properties of accreting objects and physical conditions in the surrounding environment. One of the most interesting outcomes of this intensive study is the fact that accretion processes are, in a sense, self-similar on various spatial scales from planetary systems to galaxies. This fact gives us new opportunities to investigate objects that, by various reasons, are not available for direct study. Cataclysmic variable stars are unique natural laboratories where one can conduct the detailed observational study of accretion processes and accretion disks. This is the main reason why several participants and a few members of the Organizing Committee of the conference «The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects –IV» (September 11-16, 2017, Palermo, Italy) have decided to hold the second special conference, focused on accretion processes, as a branch of that series. Main topics: Young Stellar Objects, protoplanetary discs, exoplanets in binary stars Accretion on white dwarfs (Cataclysmic variables and related objects); Accretion on neutron stars (X-ray Binary Systems and related objects); Accretion on black holes (stellar BH and AGN). The workshop will include a few 30-minute general review talks to introduce the current problems, and 20-minute talks to discuss new experimental and theoretical results. A series of 15-minute talks will discuss the ongoing and planned ground-based and space-based experiments. There will also be some general talks about the future directions of scientific research on cosmic sources. The papers will pass a peer-review process and the workshop proceedings will be edited by Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati. The location of the workshop is the Ambassador Hotel, located in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, a venue that will provide a friendly and collaborative atmosphere. Participation is by invitation only.
Opening Remarks |
Accretion Processes in Astrophysics (A General review)
Accretion Disks - A Historical Journey
The Ecology of Gravimagnetic Rotator in the past 30 years
The Birth of Multi-messenger Astrophysics
INTEGRAL - Old Observatory for New Multi-messenger Astrophysics
Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei
Reconnection Diffusion in Accretion Disks
Superflares on Solar-Type Stars
Accretion Onto Planets |
Magnetic Fields of Stars and Interactions with Planetary Environments
Planets in Binary Stars
Gasdynamics of Close-in Exoplanets Atmospheres
Stellar Forcing on Exoplanetary Atmosphere
Influence of Stellar Wind Magnetic Field on the Hot Jupiter Envelopes
Accretion Onto Young Stellar Objects and Evolution |
High Resolution Observations of Young Stellar Objects with Extreme-AO Systems: Jets, Disks, and Accreting Companions
Accretion onto Pre-Main-Sequence Stars
Accretion onto Young Stars
Protoplanetary Disks around Young Stellar Objects
T Tauri Stars - A Review
Jets, Winds, and Accretion in T Tauri Stars
Accretion onto White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars & Black Holes |
Magnetic Fields in Isolated White dwarfs
Optical Photometry of Six Eclipsing Polars: DP Leo, J1312+1737, HS Cam, FL Cet, EP Dra, and CRTS 0350+3232.
Alfvenic Turbulence as a Possible Source of Radio Emission in Polars
The Flow Structure at the L1 in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
Disk Structure of Cataclysmic Variables
The Standard Disk Cannot Model Disk-Dominated Cataclysmic Variables
Harnessing optical transient surveys for accretion studies
Radiation MHD Simulations of Accretion Discs in Cataclysmic Variables
Eclipsing Binaries Observed by LAMOST
Physical properties and evolutionary states of binaries and variable stars observed by LAMOST
The Nature of the White Dwarf Pulsar AR Scorpii
Modeling the Optically Polarized Pulsations of the White Dwarf Pulsar AR Scorpii
Long-Period Dwarf Novae with Rare and Low-Amplitude Outbursts
Accretion Hot Components in Symbiotic Binaries
On the Variability of the Superoutburst Cycle Lengths of SU Uma-type Dwarf Novae
Evolution of Magnetic Field in Massive Stars
Time Lag in Transient Galactic and Extragalactic Accreting Sources
AM CVn Stars: Review of Outburst and Evolution
Ultraluminous X-ray Sources
Element Production in Jets of Super-Eddington Discs
Disk-Jet Connection in Active Super-massive Black Holes in the Standard Accretion Disk Regime
The binary supermassive black hole conjecture for jetted active galactic nuclei
Scenarios for Ultrafast Gamma-Ray Variability in AGN
Super-Eddington accretion onto neutron stars
X-ray Reverberation Observational Modelling in Active Galactic Nuclei
Identification of High Mass X-ray Binaries selected from XMM-Newton observations of the LMC
The Be-transient X-ray pulsar V 0332+53 - A short review
On the Nature of the 35-days Cycle in X-ray Binary Her-X-1 = HZ Her
Mass, Distance, Spin, Charge, and Orientation of the super massive black hole SgrA*
Bow shock sources close to the Galactic centre
Influence of Type Ia Supernova Environment and Their Peculiar Velocities on Distance measurements
Machine Learning Analysis of Supernova Light Curves
Non-conservative mass transfer in stellar evolution - The case of V404 Cyg
Cyg X-1/HD226868 - A Review
Ten years of Fermi LAT observations and the new 4FGL and 4LAC catalogs
Multifrequency Variable Emission in Blazars
The flow structure in semidetached binaries with non-degenerate accretors
Galactic and Extragalactic Novae - A Review
Gravitational Waves |
Gravitational Waves from Accreting Sources
X-Ray/optical/Radio Emission of GW170817/SGRB 170817A
Searching for electromagnetic counterparts of GW events in the INTEGRAL real time telemetry
Ongoing Experiments |
The e-ASTROGAM space mission for MeV-GeV gamma-ray and multi-messenger astrophysics
A Call for proposal for the Core program of the WSO-UV project
Special Night Session |
Galactic and Supergalactic Habitable Zones
Concluding Remarks |
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks - II: Current Problems in Polar and Intermediate Polar Research
Concluding Remarks - III
Concluding Remarks - IV
Concluding Address |
Accretion Processes in Astrophysics - II (Concluding Address)