Search for charged Higgs bosons with the H$^{±}$$\rightarrow\tau^{±}$$ν_{\tau}$ decay channel
J. Eysermans*,
M.I.P. Morales on behalf of the CMS Collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 05, 2019
Published on:
March 01, 2019
A search for charged Higgs bosons decaying into a tau lepton and a neutrino is presented in the hadronic and leptonic final states. The search is based on the 13 TeV dataset with 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity collected with the CMS experiment in 2016. Results are presented for charged Higgs boson mass hypotheses ranging from 80 GeV to 3 TeV, where the intermediate mass range around the top quark mass is included. 95\% CL upper limits are set on the charged Higgs boson production cross section. The model independent result is interpreted in the MSSM m$_\text{h}^{\text{mod-}}$ benchmark scenario.
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