HEASA2018 - (other heasa conferences)
1-3 August, 2018
Parys, Free State, South Africa
published July 29, 2019
Entries on ADS

HEASA 2018 was the sixth conference in the annual series "High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa".
Its goal was to bring together scientists from the southern African region, the African continent, and around the world, with an interest in high-energy astrophysical phenomena. Topics discussed include theoretical and multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observational aspects of active galactic nuclei, galaxy systems, gamma-ray bursts, X-ray/gamma-ray binaries, supernovae and supernova remnants, neutron stars, pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, cataclysmic variables, and modern aspects of astro-particle physics.

HEASA 2018 was hosted by North-West University, Potchefstroom, and took place at the resort Stonehenge in Africa near Parys, Free State, August 1 - 3, 2018. It was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation of South Africa through the South African Gamma-Ray Astronomy Programme (SA-GAMMA).

Editorial Board

  • Michael Backes
    University of Namibia, Department of Physics, Private Bag 13301, Windhoek 10005, Namibia
  • Markus Böttcher
    North-West University, Potchefstroom
  • David Buckley
  • Sergio Colafrancesco
    University of the Witwatersrand
  • Pieter Meintjes
    Department of Physics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
  • Soebur Razzaque
    U Johannesburg
HEASA 2018 Speakers
Accretion onto deformed black holes via pseudo–Newtonian potentials
A. John and C. Stevens
Constraining the star formation history withFermi-LAT observations of the gamma-ray opacity of the universe
A.M. Le Ray and A. Chen
Simultaneous Fitting of the Spectral Energy Density, Energy-dependent Size, and X-ray Spectral Index vs.Radius of The Young Pulsar Wind Nebula PWNG0.9+0.1
C. van Rensuburg and C. Venter
Differential Observation Techniques for the SZE-21cm and radio sources
C.M. Takalana, P. Marchegiani and S. Colafrancesco
The ASTRI Dual-Mirror Small-Size Cherenkov Telescope
C. Arcaro and  for the CTA ASTRI project
VHE gamma-ray emission from radio galaxies
D. Prokhorov and  on behalf of the H.E.S.S. collaboration
Yonetoku relation of Fermi-GBM and Swift-BATgamma-ray bursts
F.F. Dirirsa and S. Razzaque
Dark matter gets DAMPE at high energies
G. Beck and S. Colafrancesco
The intrinsic nuclear luminosities of a new sample of medium-distance Seyfert galaxies
H. Winkler
Inverse Compton radiation from GRB afterglows in the VHE range
J.C. Joshi and S. Razzaque
Probing quantum gravity using high-energy astrophysics
J. Tarrant, G. Beck and S. Colafrancesco
An analytical hadronic synchrotron mirror model forblazars - Application to 3C279
L.L. Oberholzer and M. Böttcher
Exploiting High-Energy Polarization in Blazars
L. Dreyer and M. Böttcher
Modelling the polarisation signatures detected from the first white dwarf pulsar AR Sco.
L. Du Plessis, Z. Wadiasingh, C. Venter, A.K. Harding, S. Chandra and P. Meintjes
Polarization of Gravitational Waves from Binary Systems
L. Nyadzani and S. Razzaque
Possible Dark Matter annihilation in the galaxy cluster A520
P. Marchegiani, S. Colafrancesco and N. Khanye
Spectral Variability Signatures of Relativistic Shocks in Blazars
M. Böttcher and M. Baring
Did Dark Matter Kill the Dinosaurs?
M. Sarkis and G. Beck
Blazar variability -- expect the unexpected
M. Zacharias
White Dwarf Pulsars as Possible Gamma-Ray Sources
P. Meintjes, Q. Kaplan, K.K. Singh, H.J. van Heerden and F. Ramamonjisoa
Early Science with MeerKAT
S. Goedhart
Particle-in-cell simulations of shear boundary layersin relativistic jets
T.B. Chand, M. Böttcher and P. Kilian
Fits to the spectra of broad-line region of active galactic nuclei and opacities for two-photon pair production.
M. Ntshatsha, S. Razzaque and R. Britto