NA61/SHINE and EMPHATIC hadron production measurements for neutrino physics
Published on:
April 24, 2019
Accelerator-based neutrino experiments produce neutrino parent particles, mostly pions, and kaons in proton interactions with a nuclear target. Consequently, these hadrons decay to neutrinos and give rise to a high-intensity neutrino beam. Monte Carlo models are used to estimate the hadron production in the target and the elements of the beamline. The model predictions vary significantly, and as a result, corresponding neutrino flux uncertainty is limiting the precision of many neutrino measurements. Examples of these measurements include neutrino-nucleus cross-section measurements and sterile neutrino searches. For this reason, model predictions are re-weighted with external hadron-production data. Currently, the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN SPS performs such measurements for accelerator-based neutrino experiments. Following the success of NA61/SHINE, a complementary experiment EMPHATIC at Fermilab Test Beam Facility is being carried out to extend the data coverage to low beam momentum region not accessible to NA61/SHINE. The aim of this work is to present latest results from NA61/SHINE alongside with the prospects of the EMPHATIC experiment.
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