Spectral properties of light and charm mesons from $N_f=2+1$ anisotropic lattice QCD
R. Quinn*, J. Glesaaen, A. Rothkopf and J.I. Skullerud
Pre-published on:
September 12, 2019
Published on:
September 26, 2019
We compute temporal correlators and spectral functions for light, open charm and charmonium mesons in the pseudoscalar and vector channel for a range of temperatures below and above the deconfinement transition. The study is carried out using anisotropic lattice QCD with 2+1 dynamical flavours, $a_s=0.123\,$fm and $a_s/a_\tau=3.5$. The high-temperature results are benchmarked by comparing them to reconstructed correlators obtained by direct summation of the zero temperature correlator. We use two Bayesian methods to reconstruct the spectral functions: the maximum entropy method and the more recent BR method.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.336.0272
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