Fitting the predictions of the
$\Lambda$CDM model to the Sachs-Wolfe effect, $\sigma_8$,
the galaxy power spectrum
$P_\textrm{gal}(k)$, fluctuations of galaxy counts in
spheres of radii ranging from $16/h$ to $128/h$ Mpc,
Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements,
and $h = 0.678 \pm 0.009$, in various combinations, \textit{with
free spectral index $n_s$}, and free galaxy bias \textit{and
galaxy bias slope}, we obtain consistent
measurements of the sum of neutrino masses $\sum m_\nu$.
The results depend on
$h$, so we have presented
confidence contours in the $(\sum m_\nu, h)$ plane.