The main goal of the summit is to discuss progress and future research directions in the exploration of the matter and energy content of the Universe. Exploring the dark side of the Universe requires the convergence of several different research approaches, from astrophysical and laboratory-based observations, to the development of new theoretical ideas. Topics discussed at this meeting include dark matter, dark energy, neutrino cosmology, black holes and gravity. The summit brings together theoretical physicists, astrophysicists, and particle physicists, in a meeting format aimed at stimulating the development of new and bold ideas. This is the second meeting in this conference series. The first "World Summit: Physics Beyond the Standard Model, organized by the University of San Francisco de Quito, was held in 2006 in the Galpagos islands.
Chair: Brigitte Vachon and Pierre Petroff
Sessions |
The Cosmos as a Particle Detector |
Dark Matter |
Neutrino Cosmology |
Young Physicists |
Dark Energy |
Black Holes and Gravity |
The Cosmos as a Particle Detector |
CMB:The Planck Experiment Status and Prospects
Supernovae: Status and Perspective
Weak Lensing: status and Prospects
Galaxy Clustering and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
Gravitational Waves: Status and Prospects
Gamma Rays Signature of Dark Matter in the CTA Era: status and prospects
The interplay between cosmology, particle physics and astrophysics
Multi-Messengers Astronomy: Status and Prospects
Dark Matter |
Dark Matter: a Critical Review (Theory)
Higgs Cosmology and Dark Matter
Direct detection and collider interplay in decoding the nature of Dark Matter
Indirect Dark Matter Searches: Status and Prospects
Dark Matter Searches at ATLAS: Status and Prospects
Dark Matter Searches with the CMS Experiment
Search for Dark Matter with Heavy Quarks and Jets Using the CMS Detector
Unravelling the Mystery of Dark Matter Annual Modulation
Latest results of 1 tonne x year Dark Matter Search with XENON1T
The Dark Matter Puzzle: Are WIMPS still alive ?
Probing New Parameter Space in Dark Matter Detection
Saearch for Ultra-low Mass Dark Matter
Searching for Dark Matter and Extra Dimensions at the LHC with intact protons
A Very Forward Hadron Spectrometer for the LHC and Cosmic Ray Physics
Neutrino Cosmology |
B-Physics Anomalies: Footprints in Cosmology?
Leptonic CP Violation and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe
Constraints on Neutrino Masses from Cosmological Observations
Neutrino Detectors: Status and Prospects
Multi-messenger Astrophysics: The ultra-high Energy Picture with the Pierre Auger Observatory
The ANDES Deep Underground Laboratory
Highlights from the IceCube collaboration: From astrophysics to dark matter
Young Physicists |
The Key Science Projects of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
ATLAS Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with a Hadronically Decaying Vector Boson
ATLAS Search for an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion
CT-PPS Physics Results and Prospects
Dark Energy |
Evidence for Accelerated Expansion of the Universe: Current Observations
Large Scale Structure of the Universe and Future Experiments for Dark Energy (Euclid, LSST, SKA,..)
Tachyons as Dark Energy Quanta
Concordance Model and Tension in the Hubble Constant
On the Tension between Large Scale Structures and Cosmic Microwave Background
Is Dark Energy Simulated by Structure Formation in the Universe ?
A Possible Solution for the Cosmological Constant Problem
Reverse Engineering the Universe
Black Holes and Gravity |
Exploring Fundamental Physics with Gravitational Waves
Primordial Black Holes
Supergravity and Cosmology
Eternally Inflating Multiverse and Many Worlds in Quantum Mechanics: Same Concept ?
Testing the Quantum Coherent Behavior of Gravity
Quantum Insights on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter
The Dark Side of Gravity and the Acceleration of the Universe