On isospin breaking in $\tau$ decays for $(g-2)_\mu$ from Lattice QCD
M. Bruno*, T. Izubuchi, C. Lehner and A. Meyer
Published on:
May 29, 2019
Hadronic spectral functions of $\tau$ decays have been used in the past to provide an alternative determination of the LO Hadronic Vacuum Polarization relevant for the (g-2) of the muon. Following recent developments and results in Lattice QCD+QED calculations, we explore the possibility of studying the isospin breaking corrections of $\tau$ spectral functions for this prediction. We present preliminary results at physical pion mass based on Domain Wall Fermion ensembles generated by the RBC/UKQCD collaboration.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.334.0135
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