PoS - Proceedings of Science

Frontier Research in Astrophysics – III

FRAPWS2018 - (other frapw conferences)
28 May - 2 June 2018
Mondello (Palermo), Italy
published November 20, 2019
Entries on ADS

As we announced four years ago, the workshop will be held biennially in even years, starting on 2014.

After the excellent results obtained during the 2014 and 2016 editions we have had the confirmation that the biennial cadence of the Mondello Workshop is the most appropriate.

The purpose of this international workshop is to bring together astrophysicists and physicists who are involved in various topics at the forefront of modern astrophysics and particle physics.  The workshop will discuss the most recent experimental and theoretical results in order to advance our understanding of the physics governing our Universe.  To accomplish the goals of the workshop, we believe it is necessary to use data from ground-based and space-based experiments and results from theoretical developments:  work on the forefront of science which has resulted (or promises to result in) high-impact scientific papers.  Hence, the main purpose of the workshop is to discuss in a unique and collaborative setting a broad range of topics in modern astrophysics, from the Big Bang to Planets and Exoplanets.  We believe that this can provide a suitable framework for each participant who (while obviously not involved in all the topics discussed) will be able to acquire a general view of the main experimental and theoretical results currently obtained.  Such an up-to-date view of the current research on cosmic sources can help guide future research projects by the participants, and will encourage collaborative efforts across various topical areas of research.   The proceedings will be published in Proceedings of Science (PoS)- SISSA and will provide a powerful resource for all the scientific community and will be especially helpful for PhD students.

The following items will be reviewed.

Cosmology: Cosmic Background, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Clusters of Galaxies.
Physics of the Diffuse Cosmic Sources.
Physics of Cosmic Rays.
Physics of Discrete Cosmic Sources.
Extragalactic Sources: Active Galaxies, Normal Galaxies, Gamma-Ray Bursts.
Galactic Sources: Star Formation, Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Stars, the Sun, Cataclysmic Variables and Novae, Supernovae and SNRs, X-Ray Binary Systems, Pulsars, Black Holes, Gamma-Ray Sources, Nucleosynthesis, Asteroseismology.
Planetology: Solar System, Sun-like Stars, Exoplanets.
Science from large area multiwavelength surveys and deep-exposure pointings.
Future Physics and Astrophysics: Ongoing and Planned Ground- and Space-based Experiments.   
The workshop will include a few 30-minute general review talks to introduce the current problems, and 20-minute talks to discuss new experimental and theoretical results. A series of 15-minute talks will discuss the ongoing and planned ground-based and space-based experiments.  There will also be some general talks about the future directions of scientific research on cosmic sources.   The papers will pass a peer-review process and the workshop proceedings will be edited by Franco Giovannelli & Lola Sabau-Graziati.

The location of the workshop is the Splendid Hotel La Torre, located in Mondello beach in Palermo, Italy, a venue that will provide a friendly and collaborative atmosphere.

Participation is by invitation only.

Editorial Board

conference main image
Opening Remarks
Gravitational Waves
Star Formation & Evolution
High Energy Astrophsyics
Jet Sources & GRBs
Exo-Planets & Habitability
Ongoing Experiments
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
Frontier Research in Astrophysics - A Review from a personal point of view
PoS(FRAPWS2018)001 pdf F. Giovannelli and L. Sabau-Graziati
Search for Dark Matters al Accelerators
PoS(FRAPWS2018)002 file missing G. Auriemma
Highlights from the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC
PoS(FRAPWS2018)003 pdf I. Tsukerman and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Space as a Tool for Astrobiology
PoS(FRAPWS2018)004 file missing D. Billi
Neutrino astronomy with ANTARES, IceCube and KM3NeT
PoS(FRAPWS2018)005 file missing U. Katz
Neutrino Astronomy in the Gravitational Wave Era
PoS(FRAPWS2018)006 file missing T. Stanev
A charming IceCube discover?
PoS(FRAPWS2018)007 pdf D. Fargion, P. Lucentini, M. Khlopov, P. Oliva, F. LaMonaca and P. Paggi
LUNA: Status and Prospects
PoS(FRAPWS2018)008 pdf C. Broggini and  on behalf of the LUNA Collaboration
Planck on the knowledge of the microwave sky, a milestone for the road to future experiments
PoS(FRAPWS2018)009 pdf D. Paoletti and  On behalf of the Planck Collaboration.
Multimass King models with Kroupa mass function
PoS(FRAPWS2018)010 pdf M. Merafina
Gravitational Waves
Gravitational Wave Astronomy
PoS(FRAPWS2018)011 file missing D. Gondek-Rosinska
First gravitational wave localization and binary star evolution
PoS(FRAPWS2018)012 file missing V. Lipunov
Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
PoS(FRAPWS2018)013 pdf R. Poggiani and  on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
r-process nucleosynthesis in a double neutron-star merger: the case of GW170817
PoS(FRAPWS2018)014 pdf G. Stratta
Electromagnetic transients, GRBs and GWs – The State of Art
PoS(FRAPWS2018)015 file missing A. Pozanenko
Gravitational Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2018)016 pdf W. Kundt
GRAWITA - Ground based electromagnetic follow-up of GW sources: results and perspectives
PoS(FRAPWS2018)017 file missing E. Brocato
The first detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation
PoS(FRAPWS2018)018 file missing A. von Kienlin
The X-ray counterpart to the gravitational-wave event GW170817
PoS(FRAPWS2018)019 file missing E. Troja
Status of CMB Observations in 2018
PoS(FRAPWS2018)020 file missing M. Bucher
Constraints on parity violation from the Cosmic Microwave Background
PoS(FRAPWS2018)021 pdf D. Molinari
Galaxy Formation and Reionization
PoS(FRAPWS2018)022 pdf E. Salvador-Solé, A. Manrique and D. Canales
The First Stars and Supernovae
PoS(FRAPWS2018)023 file missing D. Whalen
X-ray search for dark matter in clusters and galaxies
PoS(FRAPWS2018)024 file missing N. Yamasaki
Highlights from the Pierre Auger Observatory
PoS(FRAPWS2018)025 pdf E. Santos and  on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Contraining cosmological parameters with X-ray all-sky surveys
PoS(FRAPWS2018)026 file missing D. Coffey
MOS spectroscopy of proto-cluster at z=6.5
PoS(FRAPWS2018)027 file missing R. Calvi
A possible binary nuclei in Mrk 622
PoS(FRAPWS2018)028 pdf attachments J.M. Rodriguez Espinosa, E. Benitez, I. Cruz-González, O.G. Martín, A. Negrete, D. Ruschel-Dutra, L. Gutierrez and E. Jimenez-Bailon
Star Formation & Evolution
High Mass Star Formation : A Review
PoS(FRAPWS2018)029 pdf P. Persi
Star Formation in the Local Group
PoS(FRAPWS2018)030 file missing G. De Marchi
The Herschel InfraRed Galactic Plane Survey: A Panoramic View of Star Formation in the Milky Way
PoS(FRAPWS2018)031 pdf D. Elia, S. Molinari, E. Schisano and A. Baldeschi
Starbursts from Surveys: identification, characterization and ideas for the SF feedback
PoS(FRAPWS2018)032 file missing C. Muñoz-Tuñon
High Energy Astrophsyics
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Observations of the Fermi Bubbles
PoS(FRAPWS2018)033 file missing S. Nakashima
Eccentric gamma-ray binaries hosting non-accreting pulsars
PoS(FRAPWS2018)034 file missing V. Bosch-Ramon
Accretion disc physics from the largest multiwavelength study of 2RXS sources
PoS(FRAPWS2018)035 file missing T. Boller
Stellar population properties for 2 million galaxies from SDSS DR14 and DEEP2 DR4 from full spectral fitting
PoS(FRAPWS2018)036 pdf J. Comparat
Ten Years of PAMELA in Space
PoS(FRAPWS2018)037 file missing R. Munini
AGILE - Highlights of ten years
PoS(FRAPWS2018)038 file missing C. Pittori
Hitomi Highlights
PoS(FRAPWS2018)039 file missing S. Nakashima
The Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) - First Results
PoS(FRAPWS2018)040 file missing T. Enoto
From present generation TeV observatories to CTA
PoS(FRAPWS2018)041 pdf J. Cortina
Gamma-rays signature of dark matter in the CTA era: status and prospects
PoS(FRAPWS2018)042 pdf A. Morselli
Observing high-energy counterparts of gravitational waves with CTA
PoS(FRAPWS2018)043 file missing A. Stamerra
Broad-band Emission from Gamma-ray Binaries
PoS(FRAPWS2018)044 pdf J.M. Paredes and P. Bordas
The puzzle of Cyg X-3
PoS(FRAPWS2018)045 file missing A. Zdziarski
Suzaku Wide-band All-sky Monitor – 10 Years history
PoS(FRAPWS2018)046 pdf
M. Ohno, Y. Fukazawa, T. Kawano, K. Yamaoka, M.S. Tashiro, T. Yasuda, J. Enomoto, S. Matsuoka, T. Nagayoshi, S. Nakaya, S. Takeda, Y. Terada, S. Yabe, K. Hurley, H.A. Krimm, A.Y. Lien, N. Ohmori, R. Kinoshita, Y. Nishioka, M. Yamauchi, H. Yoshida, S. Sugita, Y. Urata, Y. Hanabata, W. Iwakiri, M. Kokubun, K. Makishima, Y. Nakagawa, K. Nakazawa and T. Sakamoto
First results from the HXMT Chinese mission
PoS(FRAPWS2018)047 file missing A. Santangelo
Exotic matter in neutron stars and the equation of state
PoS(FRAPWS2018)048 pdf S. Schramm, V. Dexheimer, J. Steinheimer and A. Mukherjee
Ultraluminous X-ray sources
PoS(FRAPWS2018)049 file missing S.N. Fabrika
Light and Shadow in the Galactic Center
PoS(FRAPWS2018)050 pdf A. Eckart, A. Eckart, M. Parsa, E. Mossoux, B. Shahzamanian, M. Zajacek, E. Hosseini, M. Subroweit, F. Peissker, N. Sabha, M. Valencia-S., C. Straubmeier, V. Karas, S. Britzen and A. Zensus
A Faint Near-Infrared/Radio Flare form SgrA
PoS(FRAPWS2018)051 pdf
A. Eckart, L. Steiniger, B. Shahzamanian, K. Markakis, A. Eckart, S. Nishiyama, M. Zajacek, M. Parsa, E. Hosseini, N. Fazeli, G. Busch, M. Subroweit, F. Peissker, N. Sabha, M. Valencia-S., C. Straubmeier, A. Borkar, V. Karas, S. Britzen and A. Zensus
A Model for High and Low Frequency Oscillations in Black Hole Accretion Disks including Sgr A*
PoS(FRAPWS2018)052 pdf B. Aschenbach
White dwarf stars as frontier laboratories
PoS(FRAPWS2018)053 file missing J. Isern
The First Be/BH System MWC 656
PoS(FRAPWS2018)054 file missing M. Ribó
On the evolutionary status of the donors in the low mass X-ray binary systems containing BHs or NSs
PoS(FRAPWS2018)055 file missing J. Ziolkowski
Long-term quasi-periodicity of 4U 1636-536 resulting from accretion disc instability
PoS(FRAPWS2018)056 file missing M. Wisniewicz
White Dwarf Mass Estimation with X-ray Spectroscopy
PoS(FRAPWS2018)057 pdf T. Hayashi
Long-term activity of cataclysmic variables
PoS(FRAPWS2018)058 pdf V. Simon
Jet Sources & GRBs
On the origin of astrophysical jets: A Review
PoS(FRAPWS2018)059 pdf J. Beall
Large-scale Hydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Jets
PoS(FRAPWS2018)060 pdf J. Beall, K. Lind, P. Meintjes, D. Rose, M.T. Wolff, B. van Soelen and A.K. Harding
Mechanisms of astrophysical jet formation, and comparison with laboratory experiments
PoS(FRAPWS2018)061 pdf G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
The influence of the environment on the jet of an AGN
PoS(FRAPWS2018)062 pdf N. Torres-Albà and V. Bosch-Ramon
The influence of the optical star on the jets of high-mass microquasars
PoS(FRAPWS2018)063 pdf E. Molina and V. Bosch-Ramon
Exo-Planets & Habitability
Challenges for Life in the Local Universe
PoS(FRAPWS2018)064 file missing P. Mason
Pre-Biological Evolution of Organic Matter in the Universe
PoS(FRAPWS2018)065 pdf D. Wiebe
Exoplanetology with Gaia
PoS(FRAPWS2018)066 file missing A. Sozzetti
An observational overview of close-in exoplanets
PoS(FRAPWS2018)067 file missing L. Fossati
Envelopes of close-in exoplanets
PoS(FRAPWS2018)068 file missing D. Bisikalo
Extrasolar Planets Atmospheres: Methods, Results and Perspectives
PoS(FRAPWS2018)069 file missing R. Claudi
Modeling of the Disk around a Young, Isolated, Planetary-mass Object
PoS(FRAPWS2018)070 pdf A. Bayo, V. Joergens, Y. Liu, R. Brauer, J. Olofsson, J. Arancibia, P. Pinilla, S. Wolf, J.P. Ruge, T. Henning, A. Natta, K.G. Johnston, M. Bonnefoy, H. Beuther and G. Chauvin
Origin and Evolution of Earth and Life: Towards the Establishment of Astrobiology from Universe to Genome
PoS(FRAPWS2018)071 pdf S. Maruyama, T. Ebisuzaki and K. Kurokawa
Ongoing Experiments
The impact of THESEUS on frontier astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2018)072 file missing L. Amati
The impact of Athena on Frontier Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2018)073 file missing J.W. den Herder
The Impact of the PLATO Mission on Frontier Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2018)074 file missing I. Pagano
Supernova Remnant Science with AXIS
PoS(FRAPWS2018)075 file missing H. Yamaguchi
ARIEL: a space telescope to investigate the atmospheres of extrasolar planets
PoS(FRAPWS2018)076 file missing E. Pace
Micro-Nano-Pico-satellites: Complementary Tools for Big Astrophysics
PoS(FRAPWS2018)077 pdf R. Hudec
Son of X–Shooter: a multi–band instrument for a multi–band universe
PoS(FRAPWS2018)078 pdf
R. Claudi, S. Campana, P. Schipani, M. Aliverti, A. Baruffolo, S. Ben-Ami, F. Biondi, A. Brucalassi, G. Capasso, R. Cosentino, F. D’Alessio, P. D’Avanzo, O. Hershko, H. Kuncarayakti, M. Munari, A. Rubin, S. Scuderi, F. Vitali, J. Achrén, I. Arcavi, J.A.A. Duran, A. Bianco, E. Cappellaro, M. Colapietro, O. Diner, M.D. Valle, S. D’Orsi, D. Fantinel, J. Fynbom, A. Gal-Yam, M. Genoni, M. Hirvonen, J. Kotilainen, T. Kumar, M. Landoni, J. Lehti, L. Marafatto, G.L. Causi, S. Mattila, G. Pariani, G. Pignata, M. Rappaport, M. Riva, D. Ricci, B. Salasnich, R. Sanchez, S. Smartt, M. Turatto, H.U. Käufle and M. Accardo
The LiteBIRD Satellite Mission
PoS(FRAPWS2018)079 file missing M. Hazumi
Future follow-up observations of gravitational wave sources with a fleet of nano-satellite
PoS(FRAPWS2018)080 file missing M. Ohno
High Energy Astrophysical Techniques
PoS(FRAPWS2018)081 file missing R. Poggiani
The key science projects of the Cherenkov telescope array
PoS(FRAPWS2018)082 file missing S. Funk
Fundamental Science and more with the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission
PoS(FRAPWS2018)083 file missing A. Santangelo
The Current and Future of Ground and Space-VLBI Science.
PoS(FRAPWS2018)084 pdf A. Rudnitskiy, S. Likhachev, A. Andrianov, V.I. Kostenko and Y. Schekinov
JWST - the even bigger time machine
PoS(FRAPWS2018)085 pdf M. Topinka
ESA satellites SMILE and THESEUS
PoS(FRAPWS2018)086 pdf R. Hudec,  on behalf of the International SMILE and THESEUS Consortia, G. Branduardi-Raymont, S. Sembay, L. Amati, F. Frontera and E. Bozzo
Progress in digitalization of astronomical plate archives
PoS(FRAPWS2018)087 pdf R. Hudec
The CEPH distributed file system in contexts of astrophysical interest
PoS(FRAPWS2018)088 file missing B.L. Martino
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks - I
PoS(FRAPWS2018)089 pdf G. Bisnovatyi-Kogan
From Big-Bang to Big Brains
PoS(FRAPWS2018)090 pdf P. Mason
Concluding Remarks - III
PoS(FRAPWS2018)091 file missing J. Ziolkowski
Concluding Remarks - IV
PoS(FRAPWS2018)092 pdf R. Hudec
Concluding Address
Frontier Research in Astrophysics - III: Concluding Address
PoS(FRAPWS2018)093 pdf F. Giovannelli