Continuing the tradition of 2016 and 2017, we meet in the Austrian Alps to discuss recent results and developments in experimental and theoretical particle physics. The meeting takes place in Obergurgl from April 15 - 20, 2018, and the following topics are at the focus of the meeting: Flavour and hadron physics, beyond the standard model physics, Higgs and standard model physics, neutrino physics, dark matter, and future colliders.
Sessions |
Flavor and hadron physics |
Higgs and the standard model |
Physics beyond the standard model |
Dark matter |
Future colliders |
Young Scientist Forum |
Flavor and hadron physics |
Neutrinos and BSM physics
Charged lepton flavor violation
Search for Heavy Neutral Lepton production in K+ decays at NA62
Search for K+ to pi+ nu nu at NA62
Explaining the flavor anomalies with the Pati-Salam leptoquarks
Prospects for semileptonic B decays at Belle II
Search for exotic particles at NA62
Higgs and the standard model |
Composite Higgs theory
The Higgs boson at the LHC: standard model Higgs properties and beyond standard model searches
SM+top at the LHC
Searches for a doubly charged scalar at LHC and future colliders
Higgs boson production in association with a top quark pair at the LHC
Extended Higgs sector beyond the MSSM and the LHC
Physics beyond the standard model |
BSM physics and the lattice
SUSY overview
Status and prospect of LHC BSM searches
On observable particles in theories with a Brout-Englert-Higgs effect
Dark matter |
Dark matter searches at the LHC
Ultra long-lived particles with MATHUSLA
Directional search for dark matter using nuclear emulsion with NEWSdm
Dark sector physics with Belle II
Interpretation of non-MET+X ATLAS+CMS searches for dark matter scenarios
Future colliders |
Higgs and SM at the HL-LHC
Future colliders - Linear and circular
Young Scientist Forum |
Study of Anomalies in Exclusive Semileptonic B Decays
Search for New Physics with radiative B decays in Belle II
Prospects for CP violation in inclusive and exclusive B decays at Belle II
Measurement of the cross-section for the associated production of a top quark pair and a W or Z boson with the ATLAS detector
Study of the H->tautau channel with ATLAS
Search for b-associated Z' in the dimuon final state at CMS
Searches for supersymmetric higgsinos with the ATLAS detector
Search for additional neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the di-tau final state at CMS
Search for top squarks and dark matter particles in opposite-charge dilepton final states at CMS
Light Sterile Neutrino and the μ -Jet Techniques in ν -THDM at a Hadron Collider
Search for SUSY with a Highly Compressed Mass Spectrum in the Soft Single Lepton Channel with the CMS Experiment