12-15 September 2018
Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil
published May 21, 2019
Entries on ADS

Black Holes Cosmic Batteries (BHCB) 2018 will be dedicated to the presentation and discussion of recent observational, phenomenological, and theoretical developments in the field of high-energy phenomena associated with the dynamics of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and black holes. Some specific subjects are UHECRs luminosity production in relativistic outflows, multi-messengers astronomy and informations from cosmic rays, cosmic rays from gravitational waves, formation and propagation of relativistic jets and particle acceleration.

Conference editors: Rita Cassia Anjos and Carlos Henrique Coimbra Araujo.

Scientific topics

Editorial Board

  • Elena Amato
    O Arcetri
  • Luis A. Anchordoqui
    Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lehman College, City University of New York
  • Ulisses Barres de Almeida
    Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
  • Valenti Bosch-Ramon
    Universitat de Barcelona, ICCUB, IEEC
  • Abraao Jesse Capistrano de Souza
    Unila, Brazil
  • Carlos Henrique Coimbra Araujo
  • Roldao da Rocha
    UFABC, Brazil
  • Elisabete De Gouveia Dal Pino
    IAG-USP, Universidade de Sao Paulo
  • Vitor de Souza
    Universidade de São Paulo, Inst. de Física de São Carlos, São Carlos
  • Carola Dobrigkeit
    Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
  • Rita Cassia dos Anjos
    Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina
  • Marcelo Emílio
    UEPG, Brazil
  • Jorge E. Horvath
    Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas - Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
  • Martin Lemoine
    Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
  • Peter Meszaros
    Comenius University
  • Josep M Paredes
    University of Barcelona
  • Manel Perucho
    Universitat de Valencia
  • Frank M. Rieger
    MPIK Heidelberg
  • Gustavo E. Romero
    IAR-FCAGLP, Argentina
  • Alberto Daniel Supanitsky
    IAFE (CONICET, UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Andrew Martin Taylor
conference main image
Main session
Use of a small photomultiplier tube to extend the dynamic range of the surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory
A. Payeras, A.C. Fauth and  on behalf of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
Degenerate metrics on a dual geometry of spherically symmetric space-time
A.C. Lucizani, L.A. Cabral, P.T. Seidel and A.J. Capistrano
MAGIC and the very high energy gamma-ray sky
B. Fraga and  on behalf of the MAGIC collaboration
Rotating black holes with magnetic fields as accelerators of charged particles
C.H. Coimbra Araujo and R.C. Anjos
Implications of gamma-ray and neutrino observations on source models of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays
D.A. Supanitsky
Magnetic reconnection, Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Gamma-Ray emission around Black Holes and Relativistic Jets
E. De Gouveia Dal Pino, R.A. Batista, L.H.S. Kadowaki, G. Kowal, T.E. Medina-Torrejon and J.C. Ramirez-Rodriguez
The optical depth including Lorentz invariance violation energy threshold shifts
H. Martínez-Huerta, R. G. Lang and V. de Souza
A Cosmic Battery in accretion flows around astrophysical black holes
I. Contopoulos
First detection of the FSRQ TON 0599 in the VHE regime
J. Hirako, T. Terzic, A. Stamerra, F. Tavecchio, C. Righi, C. Raiteri and L. Pacciani
Numerical models of neutrino and gamma-ray emission from magnetic reconnection in the core of radio-galaxies
J.C. Rodriguez-Ramirez, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino and R. Alves Batista
Modification in Gravitational Waves Production Triggered by Spontaneous Lorentz Violation
K.M. Amarilo, M. Barroso Ferreira Filho and R. V. Maluf
A statistical study of fast magnetic reconnection in turbulent accretion disks and jets
L.H.S. Kadowaki, E. De Gouveia Dal Pino and T.E. Medina-Torrejon
Radio source evolution and the interplay with the host galaxy
M. Perucho
Effects of Lorentz Symmetry Violation in the Gravitational Waves Polarization
M. Barroso Ferreira Filho, K. Mota Amarilo and R. Vinhaes Maluf Cavalcante
A model of high-energy emission from jets of microquasars of Population III
P.S. Checa and G.E. Romero
Revealing the Nature and Location of High Energy Emission in the Candidate Binary SMBH System OJ 287
P. Kushwaha, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, A.C. Gupta and P.J. Wiita
Supermassive and Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Growth at Galaxy Centers and resulting Feedback using Cosmological Simulations
P. Barai and E. De Gouveia Dal Pino
Type Ia supernovas and fusion of black holes: Do they complement each other in measuring the expansion of the universe?
R. Girola Schneider
Black Holes as Cosmic Dynamos
R.D. Blandford
Black Hole Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems
L.G. Egito da Silva, A. de Pádua Santos and E. Rodrigues Pereira