ISGC 2018 & FCDD - (other isgc conferences)
16 - 23 March 2018
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published December 12, 2018
Entries on ADS

The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2018 in conjunction with Frontiers in Computational Drug Discovery (FCDD) will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan from 16-23 March 2018, with co-located events and workshops. The main theme of ISGC 2018 is “Understanding Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities in the Deep Learning Era”.


The global move towards an Open science and its Open data policy is bringing its first results in opening access to fast growing base of scientific data. This leads to a new set of challenges for the e-infrastructures expected to be the Open Science foundations. They must deal with new demands in traditional areas of their expertise: increase storage and computing capacity, simultaneous access to different pools and warehouses of scientific data, strong access control for sensitive data and many other things at scale levels of magnitude higher than before.


On top of that, increased amount of accessible Open data brings also new challenges, most notably how to understand and interpret the fast growing base of available scientific data. Machine learning and specifically deep learning techniques are currently the most promising general answers to this challenge. However, to deploy these techniques at scale of global e-infrastructures is a highly challenging task, pushing forwards the limits of technology, management and operation.


The goal of ISGC 2018 in conjunction with Frontiers in Computational Drug Discovery (FCDD) is to create a face-to-face venue where individual communities and national representatives can present and share their contributions to the global puzzle and contribute thus to the solution of global challenges. 

Editorial Board

  • Kento Aida
    National Institute Of Informatics
  • Alexandre M.J.J Bonvin
    Utrecht Univ. NL
  • Gang Chen
  • David Groep
  • Mark Hedges
    King's College London
  • Bor-Shouh Huang
    Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, TW
  • David Kelsey
  • Dieter Kranzlmüller
    LMU Munich, DE
  • Yannick Legre
  • Simon C. Lin
    Academia Sinica, TW
  • Frank C.S. Liu
    Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU)
  • Ludek Matyska
  • Tomoaki Nakamura
    KEK, JP
  • Hiroshi Sakamoto
    International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
  • Andrea Valassi
    CERN, CH
  • Alexander Voss
    University of St. Andrews, UK
conference main image
Big Data & Data Management
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Application
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Physics & Engineering Applications
Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
Big Data & Data Management
Smart Policy Driven Data Management and Data Federations
P. Fuhrmann, M. Antonacci, G. Donvito, O. Keeble and P. Millar
Progress on Machine and Deep Learning applications in CMS Computing
D. Bonacorsi, V. Kuznetsov, L. Giommi, T. Diotalevi, J.R. Vlimant, D. Abercrombie, C. Contreras, A. Repecka, Z. Matonis and K. Kancys
What Goes Up, Must Go Down: A Case Study From RAL on Shrinking an Existing Storage Service
R. Appleyard and G. Patargias
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Application
Authorship recognition and disambiguation of scientific papers using a neural networks approach
S.F. Schifano, T. Sgarbanti and L. Tomassetti
Skill-based Occupation Recommendation System
A. Ochirbat and T.K. Shih
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Harvesting dispersed computational resources with Openstack: a Cloud infrastructure for the Computational Science community
M. Mariotti, L. Storchi, D. Spiga, G. Vitillaro, M. Tracolli, D. Ciangottini, M. Ciangottini, V. Formato, M. Duranti, M. Merge', P. D'Angeli, R. Primavera, A. Guerra, L. Fano' and B. Bertucci
Networking, Security, Infrastructure & Operations
Harnessing the Power of Threat Intelligence in Grids and Clouds: WLCG SOC Working Group
D. Crooks, L. Vâlsan, K. Mohammad, M. Carabas, S. McKee, J. Trinder and  On behalf of the WLCG SOC Working Group
Building a large scale Intrusion Detection System using Big Data technologies
P. Panero, L. Vâlsan, V. Brillault and I.C. Schuszter
WLCG Tier-2 site at NCP, Status Update and Future Direction
S. Haleem, F. Saeed, A.u.R. Zafar and M. Imran
A Study of Credential Integration Model in Academic Research Federation Supporting a Wide Variety of Services
E. Sakane, T. Nishimura, K. Aida and M. Nakamura
Optical Interconnects for Cloud Computing Data Centers: Recent Advances and Future Challenges
M. Imran and S. Haleem
Explore New Computing Environment for LHAASO Offline Data Analysis
Q. Huang, G. Sun, Q. Yin, Z. Wei and Q. Li
Physics & Engineering Applications
Studies on Job Queue Health and Problem Recovery
X. Jiang, J. Zou, J. Shi, R. Du, Q. Hu, Z. Sun and H. Tan
Construction of real-time monitoring system for Grid services based on log analysis at the Tokyo Tier-2 center
T. Kishimoto, T. Mashimo, N. Matsui, T. Nakamura and H. Sakamoto
Extending WLCG Tier-2 Resources using HPC and Cloud Solutions
J. Chudoba and M. Svatos
Explore the massive Volunteer Computing resources for HEP computation
W. Wu and D. Cameron
Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
Unified Account Management for High Performance Computing as a Service with Microservice Architecture
R. Cao, S. Lu, X. Wang, H. Xiao and X. Chi
DODAS: How to effectively exploit heterogeneous clouds for scientific computations
D. Spiga, M. Antonacci, T. Boccali, D. Ciangottini, A. Costantini, G. Donvito, C. Duma, M. Duranti, V. Formato, L. Gaido, D. Salomoni, M. Tracolli and D. Michelotto