Medium induced radiation in multiparton splittings
V. Vila*, F. Dominguez and C. Salgado
Pre-published on:
June 20, 2019
Published on:
October 09, 2019
We study the color coherence phenomenon starting from the original quark-antiquark antenna laboratory. Firstly, we add a new in-medium hard gluon emission, and after that another one emitted outside it. Describing the decoherence of the $ q \bar{q} $ pair through the survival probability, we extract some interesting interpretations in the large-$ N_{c} $ limit. With the purpose of considering a more realistic setting, we address a similar configuration in which a quark-gluon antenna with finite formation time propagates through the medium, and the gluon emits an extra soft gluon afterwards. Finally, we shed light on the role of color coherence in these configurations.
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