HEASA 2017 is the fifth conference in the annual series "High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa". Its goal is to bring together scientists from the southern African region, the African continent, and around the world, with an interest in high-energy astrophysical phenomena. Topics discussed include gravitational wave astrophysics, cosmology, theoretical astrophysics, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observational aspects of active galactic nuclei, galaxy systems, gamma-ray bursts, X-ray/gamma-ray binaries, supernovae and supernova remnants, neutron stars, pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, cataclysmic variables, and modern aspects of astro-particle physics.
Wednesday, 4 October: Session a: Gravitational Waves and Transient Sources |
Current status of gravitational wave observations
Correlation between intrinsic peak luminosity and spectral peak energy for energetic Fermi GRBs
Multi-wavelength observations of the unusual soft X-ray transient ASASSN-16oh
SALT observations of X-ray transients
Wednesday, 4 October: Session b: Cosmology and Galaxy Clusters |
Cosmology now (Invited Talk)
Studying the dark matter annihilation in galaxy clusters through radio and gravitational lensing measures
Observations and analysis of the diffuse radio emissions in Abell 1682 galaxy cluster
Analysis of differential observations of the cosmological radio background : studying the SZE-21cm
Wednesday, 4 October: Session c: AGN I |
Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger modelling of blazars (Invited Talk)
Centaurus A: Hard X-ray and soft gamma-ray lightcurve correlation
Some things change, some don’t. An exploration of Seyfert galaxy luminosity changes over a generation
Hydrodynamic instabilities as a source of variability in AGN jets.
Studies of optical/gamma-ray flares of blazar 4C+01.02: recent updates from the 2016-2017 observations
Wednesday, 4 October: Session d: AGN II |
Searching for new TeV blazars in the 3rd Fermi-LAT catalogue of hard gamma-ray sources
Investigating the long-term variability of blazars
Modelling the spectral energy distribution and polarization of Active Galactic Nuclei
Anisotropic particle acceleration in relativistic shear layers
Wednesday, 4 October: Session e: Pulsars I |
Assessment of a statistical approach towards constraining pulsar geometry via multiband light curve fitting
The rich complexity of millisecond pulsar binaries
Thursday, 5 October: Session a: Pulsars II and Pulsar Wind Nebulae |
Resolved Millisecond Pulsars are Consistent with the Galactic Center Excess (Invited Talk)
Observational developments in pulsar science
Modelling energy-dependent pulsar light curves due to curvature radiation
Study of the Very High Energy emission of the Pulsar Wind Nebula in MSH 15-5 2
Simultaneous spectral and spatial modelling of young pulsar wind nebulae
Friday, 6 October : Session a: Astroparticle Physics |
Antares & KM3Net (Invited talk)
One and two dimensional interpolation schemes of atmospheric muon neutrino flux models
Using Gravitational Wave Observations to Probe Quantum Gravity
Why the universe is unexpectedly transparent to very high energy gamma rays
Astroparticle physics with liquid noble gas detectors (Invited Talk)
Gamma rays and the LHC inspired dark matter
Friday, 6 October: Session b: Binary Systems I |
Gamma-ray binaries: binary systems dominated by their gamma-ray emission (Invited Talk)
The orbit of 1FGL J1018.6-5856
Discovery of VHE gamma-ray emission from the binary system LMC P3
New BeXBs in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Re-awakening of GRS 1716-249 after 23 years, observed by Swif / XRT and NuSTAR
Friday, 6 October: Session c: Binary Systems II |
Investigating the circumstellar disk of the companion to GX 304-1
A new intermediate mass X-ray binary
Eta Carinae: A multi-messenger source
Magnetic white dwarfs in close binaries as potential gamma-ray sources in the CTA era
Multi-wavelength follow-up studies of eruptive cataclysmic variables in the MeerKAT and CTA era