Production and decay of HF in ATLAS
A.F. Campoverde Quezada* on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
September 20, 2018
Published on:
November 23, 2018
An angular analysis of the decay of $B_{d}\rightarrow K^{*}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ is performed for a number of angular coefficients, which are measured as a function of the invariant mass squared of the dimuon system for data collected at $\sqrt{s}=8\text{ TeV}$ by ATLAS, at the LHC. Comparisons are made to theoretical predictions, including for the observable $P_{5}'$, for which there has been recent tension between theory and experiment. In addition a study of kinematical correlations in $B$ hadron pair production is presented.
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