Measuring the CKM matrix element ${\mathrm{V_{td}}}$ and ${\mathrm{V_{ts}}}$ at the electron proton colliders
Pre-published on:
September 20, 2018
Published on:
November 23, 2018
In this talk we present a study on the measurement of $\rm V_{td}$ and $\rm V_{ts}$ CKM matrix elements, at the future electron proton colliders, through W boson and bottom quark associated production channels as well as W boson and jet associated production channels. The W and bottom (jet) final states can be produced by s-channel single top decay or t-channel top exchange. We find that these channels provide very good prospects for a measurement of $\rm V_{td}$ and $\rm V_{ts}$ CKM matrix elements for the LHC based electron proton collider.
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