GOLDEN 2017 - (other golden conferences)
11-16 September, 2017
Palermo, Italy
published September 13, 2018
Entries on ADS

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The purpose of this workshop is to bring together about *80 invited researchers* from all over the world in order to discuss the experimental updated panorama and theories of CVs and Related Objects. The following topics will be discussed:
a) Opening Remarks (the Importance of Multifrequency Observations)
b) Cataclysmic Variables (non-magnetic, intermediate polars, polars)
* Fundamental parameters
* Accretion physics
* Outburst physics
* Magnetic phenomena
* Interconnection among classes
* Long term secular evolution
* The fate of CVs
c) Classical and Recurrent Novae
d) Nova-like Stars
e) Symbiotic stars
f) The Astrophysics of CVs and related Objects with the Ongoing and Future Space-Based and Ground-Based Experiments.

Editorial Board

  • Dmitry Bisikalo
    Institute of Astronomy of the RAS
  • Massimo Della Valle
    INAF - Capodimonte Observatory, Napoli, Italy
  • Franco Giovannelli
    INAF - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
  • René Hudec
    CTU in Prague FEE
  • Joanna Mikolajewska
    N. Copernicus Astronomical Center, PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  • Lola Sabau-Graziati
    INTA/DCUCE, Madrid, Spain
  • Giora Shaviv
    Technion, Haifa, Israel
  • Edward Sion
    Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA
conference main image
Opening Remarks
Cataclysmic Variables
Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae and Nova-Like Stars
Ongoing Experiments
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
Opening Remarks
The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects (A Very Personal Review)
F. Giovannelli
Magnetic Field as Flavouring for CVs
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D. Bisikalo
A pulsar by any other name: discovery of the white dwarf pulsar in AR Sco
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D. Buckley
AR Scorpii – A short review
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N. Beskrovnaya
Multi-frequency emission from white dwarf pulsars
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P. Meintjes
The Features of Mass Transfer in Diskless Intermediate Polars AE Aqr and V2400 Oph
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P.B. Isakova
Pulsar-Like White Dwarfs
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N. Ikhsanov
Cataclysmic variables as gravitational wave sources
R. Poggiani
The impact of SUZAKU on the knowledge of The Physics of CVs
T. Hayashi
Cataclysmic Variables
Search for CVs in wide-field narrow-band photometric survey
J. Abril, A. Ederoclite and L. Schmidtobreick
Photometric study of cataclysmic variable ASAS–SN–13cx in active and quite states
I. Voloshina, T. Khruzina, S. Qian, Z. Liying, S. Kafka and V. Metlov
SU UMa dwarf novae in the period gap
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E. Pavlenko
Period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae
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N. Katysheva
Long-lasting growing superhumps in SU UMa stars: QZ Vir
A. Imada, T. Kato, K. Isogai and  VSNET Collaboration Team
Cataclysmic Variables in Globular Clusters – A Review
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D. Belloni
Progress in CV research with digitized photographic archives
Cataclysmic Variables as Radio Emitters
D. Coppejans
Multifrequency Behaviour of Polars
X-ray and optical observations of polars
H. Worpel and A. Schwope
Triggered XMM-Newton/NuSTAR observations of AM Herculis in a high accretion state
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A. Schwope
Transient emission of selected CRTS Cataclysmic Variables
H. Szegedi, A. Odendaal, P. Meintjes, B. van Soelen, J.P. Marais, A. Rajoelimanana, M.M. Nyamai, R. Britto, L. Hanlon, D. Murphy, A. Martin-Carrillo, M. Motsoaledi and J.R. Thorstensen
Cataclysmic Variables with evolved secondaries
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O. Toloza Castillo
Cataclysmic Variables and other Binaries in Planetary Nebulae
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B. Miszalski
Detached cataclysmic variables are crossing the orbital period gap
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M.R. Schreiber
New method of eclipse mapping and an application to HT Cas in the 2017 superoutburst
Y. Wakamatsu, K. Isogai, T. Morita, T. Kato, D. Nogami, M. Uemura and S. Ikeda
Recent progress of observational studies of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae
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M. Kimura
On some gas-dynamical features of WZ Sge cataclysmic variables
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D. Kononov
High-Speed Photometry of Gaia14aae: An Eclipsing AM CVn that Challenges Formation Models
Long term observations of the AM CVn star V 803 Cen
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K. Isogai
Voracious vortexes and accretion disc radii in cataclysmic variables: a short review
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V. Neustroev
On the nature of quiescent light curves demonstrated by WZ Sge stars
D. Kononov, C. Lacy, V.B. Puzin, V.P. Kozhevnikov, A.Y. Sytov and A.P. Lyaptsev
The evolution of Cataclysmic Variables
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B. Kalomeni
Properties of accreting white dwarfs as revealed by flagship observatories
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A.F. Pala
Systematic search for post period-minimum cataclysmic variables: A short review
V. Neustroev, C. Knigge and S. Zharikov
The long-term activity of dwarf novae and soft X-ray transients
The long term evolution of Cataclysmic Variables
X-ray observations: A useful tool for the physics of accretion in CV
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S. Balman
Gas dynamic features of the envelopes of contact binary star
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A. Fateeva
Excitation of turbulence in accretion disks of binary stars
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E. Kurbatov
Waves and oscillations in accretion discs of CVs - numerical results
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P. Kaygorodov
Angular Momentum Loss and CV Evolution
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M.R. Schreiber
Testing the models of CV evolution
A.F. Pala, A. Ederoclite, N.P. Gentile Fusillo, H. Vázquez Ramió, R. Raddi, J. Abril, B.T. Gänsicke and A. Rebassa--Mansergas
Superoutburst of Pop.II CV candidate OV Boo
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R. Ohnishi
Photometry of OV Bootis at the Early Stage of 2017 Outburst
K. Tanabe, H. Akazawa and N. Fukuda
Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae and Nova-Like Stars
Old Novae: Old Glories with Bright Future
A. Ederoclite, C. Tappert, L. Schmidtobreick and N. Vogt
The hunt for ancient novae
L. Schmidtobreick, C. Tappert, M. Shara, S. Scaringi, A. Bayo, N. Vogt and A. Ederoclite
Multifrequency behavior of classical novae
I. Hachisu and M. Kato
Galactic and Extragalactic Novae – An Updated Review
R. Poggiani
Pre-maximum and maximum of Novae: The spectroscopic observations of Nova ASASSN-17hx
R. Poggiani
The evolution of nova shells
C. Tappert, E. Arancibia, L. Schmidtobreick, N. Vogt, A. Ederoclite, M. Vuckovic and V.A.R.M. Ribeiro
Stunted dwarf-nova type outbursts in classical post-novae
Multiwavelength models SED of the classical nova V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) along its age
Optical and Near-infrared High-resolution Spectroscopic Observations of Nova V2659 Cyg: Structure of Nova Ejecta and Origin of Two-distinct Velocity Systems
A. Arai, H. Kawakita, A. Raj, B.C. Lee, G.C. Anupama, S. Kondo, Y. Ikeda, N. Kobayashi, S. Hamano, H. Sameshima, K. Fukue, N. Matsunaga, C. Yasui, N. Izumi, M. Mizumoto, S. Otsubo, K. Takenaka, A. Watase, T. Kawanishi, K. Nakanishi and T. Nakaoka
Photometric long-term variations and superhump occurrence in the Classical Nova RR Pictoris
I. Fuentes Morales, N. Vogt, C. Tappert and L. Schmidtobreick
Circumstellar Environment around Type Ia Supernovae of Different Subtypes
Recurrent novae and long-term evolution of mass-accreting white dwarfs – toward the accurate mass retention efficiency
M. Kato, I. Hachisu and H. Saio
Recurrent Nova M31N 2008-12a - A Short Review
The Hot Components in the Recurrent Novae T Pyxidis, IM Norma, CI Aquilae and in the Dwarf Nova U Geminorum
E. Sion and P. Godon
Symbiotic stars - Natural astrophysical laboratories for studying the evolution of binaries
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J. Mikolajewska
Recent outburst activity of the symbiotic binary AG Draconis
J. Merc, R. Galis and L. Leedjärv
The symbiotic recurrent nova T CrB – A Short Review
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K. Ilkiewicz
R Aquarii and Gamma Ray Astronomy
K. Tanabe and Y. Motizuki
The bridge between ER Ursae Majoris-type dwarf nova and nova-like system
R. Ishioka, T. Kato and  VSNET Collaboration Team
A Review of the Evolution of Classical Nova V2676 Oph: Formation of Molecules and Dust Grains
H. Kawakita and A. Arai
Recovery of Nova Scorpii AD 1437
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J. Mikolajewska
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Classical Novae: Accretion onto CO White Dwarfs as SN Ia Progenitors
S. Starrfield, M. Bose, C. Iliadis, W.R. Hix, R.M. Wagner, C.E. Woodward, J. Jose and M. Hernanz
The white dwarf binary pathways survey – A test for binary evolution models and SNIa formation channels
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S. Parsons
Gamma-ray emission from SNIa
Ongoing Experiments
Novel space experiments for CV Research: X-rays (LOBSTER, THESEUS, eXTP*)
Novel space experiments for CV Research: Optical and UV (Gaia, UV BRITE)
GEANT4 Montecarlo simulations: a multithread approach
B.L. Martino, S. Lotti, U. Zannoni and G. Patria
MeerLICHT: MeerKAT’s optical eye
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K. Paterson
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks; What CVs Can Teach Us About Other Astrophysical Sources
Concluding Remarks
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D. Bisikalo
Concluding Remarks
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J. Mikolajewska
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Address
The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects: Concluding Address
F. Giovannelli