By studying the balance functions of several hadronic species, one can gain insight into the chemical evolution of the Quark\textendash Gluon Plasma and radial flow. In a picture of early hadronisation, pairs of particles and anti-particles (created at the same space\textendash time point) are separated further in rapidity due to the higher initial temperature and diffusive interactions with other particles. Therefore delayed hadronisation will lead to strong correlations in rapidity in the final state.
In this work, balance functions for identified charged-pion pairs measured by the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Pb\textendash Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\textrm{NN}}} = 2.76$~TeV are presented.
These balance functions are presented in relative rapidity ($\Delta$y) and relative azimuthal angle ($\Delta\varphi$).
It is observed that the charged-pion balance function widths in $\Delta$y and $\Delta\varphi$ get narrower in central Pb-Pb collisions compared to peripheral collisions.
The findings in this analysis are consistent with the effects of delayed hadronisation and radial flow.