Volume 314 - The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2017) - Dark Matter (Parallel Session). Coveners: Enrique Araujo; Caterina Doglioni; Alfredo Urbano. Scientific Secretary: Caterina Braggio.
Search for the gauge boson of a secluded sector with the PADME experiment at LNF
P. Gianotti* and  On behalf of the PADME Collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: October 19, 2017
Published on: March 20, 2018
Massive photon-like particles are predicted in many extensions of the Standard Model with a hidden sector where dark matter is secluded. Most of the present experimental constraints on this "dark photon" ($A'$) rely on the hypothesis of dominant decay to lepton pairs.
The PADME experiment at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN, by annihilating the positrons of the DA$\Phi$NE Beam-Test Facility on a carbon target, will search for the e$^+$e$^- \rightarrow \gamma$A$^{\prime}$ process, assuming a decay of the $A'$ into invisible particles of the hidden sector. A fine-grained, high-resolution calorimeter will measure the momentum of the photon in events with no other signal in the apparatus, thus allowing to identify the $A'$ as a missing mass in the final state.
In about one year of data taking, a sensitivity on the interaction strength ($\varepsilon$) down to 0.001 is achievable in the mass region M(A$^{\prime}$) $<$ 23.7 MeV$/c^2$.
The status of PADME and its physics potential are here reviewed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0064
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