Volume 313 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-17) - Power Grounding and Shielding
Serial Powering Optimization for CMS and ATLAS Pixel Detectors within RD53 Collaboration for HL-LHC: System Level Simulations and Testing
S. Orfanelli*, J. Christiansen, M. Hamer, F. Hinterkeuser, M. Karagounis, A. Pradas Luengo, S. Marconi and D. Ruini
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 05, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
Serial powering is the baseline choice for low mass power distribution for the CMS and ATLAS HL-LHC pixel detectors. Two 2.0 A Shunt-LDO regulators are integrated in a prototype pixel chip implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology and used to provide constant supply voltages to its power domains from a constant input current. Performance results from testing prototype Shunt-LDO regulators are shown, including their behaviour after x-ray irradiation. The system level simulation studies, which had been performed with a detailed regulator design in a serially powered topology, have been validated.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.313.0055
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