15-20 October 2017
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
published November 11, 2020
Entries on ADS

The two Fermi instruments have been surveying the high-energy sky since August 2008. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) has discovered more than three thousand gamma-ray sources and many new source classes, bringing the importance of gamma-ray astrophysics to an ever-broadening community. The LAT catalog includes supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae, pulsars, binary systems, novae, several classes of active galaxies, starburst galaxies, normal galaxies, and a large number of unidentified sources. Continuous monitoring of the high-energy gamma-ray sky has uncovered numerous outbursts from a wide range of transients. Fermi LAT's study of diffuse gamma-ray emission in our Galaxy revealed giant bubbles, as well as an excess of gamma-rays from the Galactic center region, both observations have become exciting puzzles for the astrophysics community.  The direct measurement of a harder-than-expected cosmic-ray electron spectrum may imply the presence of nearby cosmic-ray accelerators. LAT data have provided stringent constraints on new phenomena such as supersymmetric dark-matter annihilations as well as tests of fundamental physics. The full reprocessing of the entire mission dataset with Pass 8 includes improved event reconstruction, a wider energy range, better energy measurements, and significantly increased effective area, all them boosting the discovery potential and the ability to do precision observations with LAT. The Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) continues to be a prolific detector of gamma-ray transients: magnetars, solar flares, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and gamma-ray bursts at keV to MeV energies, complementing the higher energy LAT observations of those sources in addition to providing valuable science return in their own right.
All gamma-ray data are made immediately available at the Fermi Science Support Center (http://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc). These publicly available data and Fermi analysis tools have enabled a large number of important studies. We especially encourage guest investigators worldwide to participate in this symposium to share results and to learn about upcoming opportunities.
This meeting will focus on the new scientific investigations and results enabled by Fermi, the mission and instrument characteristics, future opportunities, coordinated observations and analysis techniques. In particular, we also encourage discussion of future prospects/science with Fermi in preparation for the upcoming NASA senior review.

Details on the 7th International Fermi Symposium can be found here: https://events.mpe.mpg.de/Fermi2017

Editorial Board

  • Bruce Allen
    (AEI Hannover)
  • John Beacom
    Ohio State University
  • Patrizia Caraveo
  • Elisabetta Cavazutti
    (ASDC Rome)
  • Jan Conrad
    (Stockholm Univ.)
  • Nathalie Degenaar
  • Seth W. Digel
    SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • Jochen Greiner
    Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik, Postfach 1312, 85741 Garching, Germany
  • Isabelle Grenier
    University of Paris
  • Jamie Holder
    University of Delaware
  • Michael Kramer
    Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn
  • Shri Kulkarni
  • Sang Cheng Kwong
    (HKU Hongkong)
  • Luca Latronico
    INFN Torino, Italy
  • Marianne Lemoine-Goumard
    Université Bordeaux, CNRS, LP2I Bordeaux, UMR 5797, F-33170 Gradignan, France
  • Piero Madau
  • Julie McEnery
    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Peter Michelson
    Stanford University
  • Vahe Petrosian
  • Nanda Rea
    (CSIC-IEEC Barcelona)
  • Olaf Reimer
    Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Astro- und Teilchenphysik, Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
  • Eduardo Ros
  • Nir Shaviv
  • Tad Takahashi
  • Stefan Wagner
    Landessternwarte, Universität Heidelberg, Königstuhl, D 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
  • Colleen Wilson-Hodge
conference main image
Session Opening
Session Pulsars
Session Active Galactic Nuclei
Session Central Galaxy
Session Gravitational Wave Source GW 170817
Session Gamma-Ray Bursts
Session Other Transients
Session Stellar Sources (galactic and extragalactic)
Session GeV-TeV Connection
Session Analysis Techniques
Session Galactic Diffuse Emission and cosmic-ray propagation
Session Extragalactic Diffuse Emission and Extragalactic Background Light
Session Dark Matter
Session The Sun and the Neutrino-Gamma Connection
Session Future Gamma-ray Missions
Session Opening
Status of Fermi
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E.A. Hays
Session Pulsars
Pulsars: implications from Fermi LAT observations and future prospects
L. Guillemot,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration and  on behalf of the Pulsar Search and Timing Consortia
Order parameters for the high-energy spectra of pulsars
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D. Torres
The first detection of a pulsar with the Atacama Large Millimetre Array
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B. Rudak
Understanding the Pulsar High Energy Emission: Macroscopic and Kinetic Models vs. Fermi Data
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C. Kalapotharakos
MeV Pulsars: Modeling Spectra and Polarization
A.K. Harding and C. Kalapotharakos
The Search for Millisecond Pulsars – Implications from Fermi Observations and Future Prospects
C. Clark and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
On the highest energy emission from millisecond pulsars
P. Saz Parkinson, A. Belfiore, D. Fidalgo, C. Clark, M. Kerr, L. Nieder and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Hunting for the missing spiders
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A.K.H. Kong
Inductive spikes and gamma-ray flares from the Crab Nebula
J. Kirk and G. Giacinti
Constraining the Origin of Local Positrons with HAWC TeV Gamma-Ray Observations of Two Nearby Pulsar Wind Nebulae
R. Lopez-Coto, S. Casanova, B. Dingus, F. Salesa Greus, H. Zhou and  on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration
Observing and modeling the gamma-ray emission from pulsar/pulsar wind nebula complex PSR J0205+6449/3C 58
An Einstein@home blind search for gamma-ray pulsars
Blind Search Methods for Binary Gamma-ray Pulsars
L. Nieder, C. Clark and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Multiwavelength modeling of the Vela pulsar pulses - from Optical light to VHE gamma-rays
B. Rudak and J. Dyks
Differences between radio-loud and radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars as revealed by Fermi
C.Y. Hui, J. Lee, J. Takata, C.W. Ng and K.S. Cheng
Session Active Galactic Nuclei
The Gamma-Ray Lobes of Centaurus A
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J. Magill
VLBI and gamma-ray studies of TANAMI radio galaxies
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R. Angioni
The dependence of optical polarisation of blazars on the synchrotron peak frequency
E. Angelakis,  on behalf of the RoboPol Collaboration, D.A. Blinov, M. Böttcher, T. Hovatta, S. Kiehlmann, I. Myserlis, V. Pavlidou and A. Zensus
High-resolution polarization imaging of the Fermi blazar 3C 279
B. Rani,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, S. Jorstad and A.P. Marscher
SALT Spectropolarimetry and Self-Consistent SED and Polarization Modeling of Blazars
M. Böttcher, H. Schutte, B. van Soelen, R.J. Britto,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, J.P. Marais and D.A.H. Buckley
Gamma-rays in the radio galaxy 3C 84: A complex situation
B. Rani, J.A. Hodgson and J. Oh
Gamma-ray emission from the black hole's vicinity in AGN
F.M. Rieger and G. Katsoulakos
Extended Jets of AGN: Proton Synchrotron Emission
N. Gupta and P.P. Basumallick
The Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources (3FHL)
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D. Thompson
Preliminary results from the fourth catalog of AGN Detected by the Fermi-LAT
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D. Gasparrini
MAGIC observations of extreme blazars: Toward clarifying the blazar sequence
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V. Fallah Ramazani
Gamma-ray Blazars at the Dawn of the Universe
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V.S. Paliya
On the radio and GeV-TeV gamma-ray emission connection in Fermi blazars.
R. Lico, M. Giroletti, M. Orienti, L. Costamante, V. Pavlidou, F. D'Ammando and F. Tavecchio
MCMC estimation of SED model parameters using multi- wavelength data of the blazar Mrk 421
Y. Yamada, M. Uemura, Y. Fukazawa, Y. Tanaka and R. Itoh
The remarkable gamma-ray flaring activity of CTA 102 as seen by the Fermi-LAT
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S. Buson
Detection of intra-day variability in FSRQ CTA 102 during high state
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A. Shukla
Unravelling the complex behaviour of our closest very-high-energy gamma-ray blazars, Mrk421 and Mrk501
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D. Paneque
The FSRQ PKS 1510-089: The Gamma-ray–Synchrotron Connection
F. Jankowsky, S. Wagner, O. Kurtanidze and M. Zacharias
Orphan $\gamma$-ray Flares and Stationary Sheaths of Blazar Jets
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N.R. MacDonald
Long-Term Study of the Light Curve of PKS 1510-089 in GeV energies
R. Prince, P. Majumdar and N. Gupta
Blazar Radio and Optical Survey (BROS): A New Catalog of Blazar Candidates
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Y. Tanaka
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K. Tanada
On the Underlying Particles in the Jet of 3C 279
E. Bottacini, M. Böttcher, E. Pian, W. Collmar and D. Gasparrini
Blazar Variability from Plasmoids in Relativistic Reconnection
I. Christie, M. Petropoulou, L. Sironi and D. Giannios
Time-domain behavior of blazar OJ 287 and the binary supermassive black hole conjecture
S. Ciprini, M.J. Valtonen, S. Zola, A. Goyal and P. Pihajoki
Disk-Jet Connection in Active Supermassive Black Holes in the Standard Accretion Disk Regime
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Y. Inoue
Multi-wavelength observations of flaring blazars with ATOM and Fermi-LAT
F. Jankowsky, S. Wagner, M. Böttcher, M. Zacharias, O. Kurtanidze, J.P. Lenain and A. Wierzcholska
Optical Study of Bright FERMI/LAT Blazars
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O. Kurtanidze
Modeling Multiwavelength Blazar Spectra using a Particle Transport Equation
T. Lewis, J. Finke and P.A. Becker
Optical polarization as a method for the association of unidentified gamma-ray blazars
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I. Liodakis
Secondary particle yields from photomeson production in BLR radiation fields of blazars
A. Reimer and A. Brown
The Fermi LAT Very Important Project (VIP) List for Active Galactic Nuclei
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D. Thompson
Looking for the first time into the heart of the blazar TXS 2013+370
T. Traianou, T. Krichbaum, B. Boccardi, E. Angelakis, R. Angioni, U. Bach, A. Zensus, S. Larsson, S. Kiehlmann and M.A. Gurwell
X-ray and GeV gamma-ray variability of the radio galaxy NGC 1275
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Y. Fukazawa
The X/$\gamma$-ray correlation in NGC 4945 and the nature of its $\gamma$-ray source
R. Wojaczynski and A. Niedzwiecki
Session Central Galaxy
Diffuse gamma-ray emission modeling and the Galactic center GeV excess
D. Malyshev and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Modeling the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
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T. Linden
Is the Galactic Centre Excess due to the X-shaped stellar over-density in the Galactic bulge?
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C. Gordon
Monitoring the Galactic Center with MAGIC for more than 5 years
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C. Fruck
Session Gravitational Wave Source GW 170817
Gravitational Wave Astronomy with Advanced LIGO/Virgo
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A. Nitz
GBM results in the GW Era
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E. Burns
INTEGRAL follow-up of the gravitational wave events
V. Savchenko, C. Ferrigno, E. Kuulkers, A. Bazzano, E. Bozzo, S. Brandt, J. Chenevez, R. Diehl, A. Domingo, L. Hanlon, E. Jourdain, P. Laurent, F. Lebrun, A. Lutovinov, A. Martin-Carillo, S. Mereghetti, L. Natalucci, J. Rodi, R. Sunyaev and P. Ubertini
Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Events with the Fermi-LAT. Current Status and Prospects for the Future
N. Omodei,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, G. Vianello, D. Kocevski, S. Buson and N. Di Lalla
Off-axis short GRBs from structured jets as counterparts to GW events
A. Kathirgamaraju, R. Barniol Duran and D. Giannios
Analysing the light curve and spectra of the first detected kilonova
A. Jerkstrand
Session Gamma-Ray Bursts
Emission from accelerating jets in gamma-ray bursts: Radiation dominated flows with increasing mass outflow rates
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F. Ryde
GRB Locations and Spectra with the BALROG
J.M. Burgess and J. Greiner
The Konus-Wind catalog of gamma-ray bursts with known redshifts. I. Bursts detected in the triggered mode.
A. Tsvetkova, D.D. Frederiks, S. Golenetskii, A.P. Lysenko, P. Oleynik, V. Pal'shin, D.S. Svinkin, M. Ulanov, T. Cline, K. Hurley and R. Aptekar
Exploring the low-energy domain of LAT-detected GRBs
E. Bissaldi, N. Omodei, G. Vianello, D. Kocevski and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
The Bright and the Slow - GRBs 100724B and 160509A with high-energy cutoffs at < 100MeV
G. Vianello, R. Gill, J. Granot, N. Omodei, J. Cohen-Tanugi and F. Longo
Magnetic versus baryonic jets for gamma-ray bursts.
D. Begue
Constraints on microphysical parameters of GRBs using HAWC
S. Dichiara, M.M. Gonzalez, N. Fraija and  on behalf of the HAWC Collaboration
Session Other Transients
Fast Radio Bursts - implications for Fermi and future prospects
M. Caleb
Probing mass ejection in nova outbursts using gamma-rays
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M. Pierrick
Are Gamma-ray Novae Intrinsically Rare Or Just Nearby?
P. Morris, G. Cotter, A. Brown and P. Chadwick
Classical Novae in the Age of Fermi
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J. Linford
GeV--TeV Lightcurve of GRB Afterglow
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K. Asano
Is Spectral Width a Reliable Measure of GRB Emission Physics?
The Rest-Frame Golenetskii Correlation via a Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis
Nine Years of Fermi LAT Flare Advocate Monitoring
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S. Ciprini
Spectral classification and variation of Fermi GRBs
I.I. Rácz, L.G. Balazs, V.L. Tóth, I. Horvath and Z. Bagoly
New results in applying the machine learning to GRB redshift estimation
I.I. Rácz, D. Ribli, Z. Bagoly, I. Csabai, I. Horvath and L.G. Balazs
Testing Isotropic Universe via Properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi / GBM
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J. Ripa
On the Connection of Gamma-Ray Bursts and X-Ray Flashes
J. Ripa and A. Meszaros
The 2nd LAT GRB Catalog
G. Vianello, M. Arimoto, M. Axelsson, E. Bissaldi, J. Bregeon, F. Dirisa, D. Kocevski, F. Longo, E. Moretti, N. Omodei, J. Racusin, M. Yassine and P. Veres
An Investigation on the GRB Peak Energy and Low-Energy Spectral Slope
H.F. Yu, F. Ryde and H. Dereli
MAGIC observation of the short nearby GRB160821B
M. Palatiello, K. Noda, S. Inoue, P. Colin, E. Moretti, F. Longo and  on behalf of the MAGIC and Fermi Collaboration
Session Stellar Sources (galactic and extragalactic)
Recent multi-wavelength studies of gamma-ray binary hosting Be star
J. Takata
Fermi acceleration under control: $\eta$ Carinae
M. Balbo and R. Walter
Gamma ray emission from Cyg X-3 and Cyg X-1
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A. Zdziarski
Towards the emerging source class of γ-ray emitting colliding-wind binary systems
K. Reitberger, R. Kissmann, A. Reimer, O. Reimer and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
The population of gamma-ray binaries
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G. Dubus
The Gamma-ray Binary in the LMC: Implications for Populations and Further Discoveries
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R. Corbet
The Monster Next Door: Fermi-LAT observations of Supernova Remnant N132D in the Large Magellanic Cloud
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D. Castro
Detection of SN 1006 and HESS J1731-347 with Fermi-LAT: a complete view of shell-type TeV SNRs
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M. Lemoine-Goumard
A search for energy-dependence of the Kes 73/1E 1841-045 morphology in GeV
P.K.H. Yeung
Disentangling hadronic from leptonic emission in the composite SNR G326.3-1.8
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J. Devin
Thermal X-ray studies on escaping of accelerated protons from SNR shocks
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H. Suzuki
New Extended GeV Sources in the Galactic Plane Found using 6 years of Fermi-LAT Pass 8 data
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M.H. Grondin
Resolving the Crab Nebula in TeV gamma-rays with H.E.S.S.
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M. Holler
On the origin of gamma-ray emission toward SNR CTB 37A with Fermi-LAT
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S. Abdollahi
Similarity of γ -ray spectrum in middle aged supernova remnants (SNRs) interacting with molecular clouds (MC): what can we learn?
X. Tang
Diffusive shock acceleration in the young supernova remnant G1.9+0.3
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R. Brose
A New Gamma-Ray Source in the Vicinity of the Galactic Supernova Remnant G306.3−0.9
T. Ergin, S. Katsuda, A. Sezer, R. Yamazaki, M.D. Filipovic, H. Sano, Y. Fukui and S. Tanaka
LMC P3: An Extreme Particle Accelerator
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J. Coley
Detection of an Unidentified Extended Gamma-ray Source Close to the Galactic Supernova Remnant 3C 400.2
T. Ergin, A. Sezer, R. Yamazaki, H. Sano, Y. Fukui and S. Tanaka
Non-linear combined MHD- Monte Carlo simulations of proton acceleration in colliding wind binaries
E. Grimaldo, A. Reimer and R. Kissmann
Fermi-LAT Studies of Globular Clusters.
S. Lloyd, A. Brown and P. Chadwick
Reexamining the gamma-ray properties of globular clusters
K. Oh and C.Y. Hui
Combined approach to VHE gamma-ray astronomy at the TAIGA observatory
E. Postnikov and  on behalf of the TAIGA Collaboration
Session GeV-TeV Connection
H.E.S.S. highlights
G. Puehlhofer and  on behalf of the H.E.S.S. collaboration
Gamma-ray astronomy across 6 decades of energy: synergy between Fermi, IACTs, and HAWC observatories
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M. Hui
Highlights of VERITAS observations of extragalactic objects
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M. Pohl
Recent Galactic Science Results from VERITAS on Pulsar Searches, PSR J2032+4127, and HAWC Follow-Ups
G. Richards and  on behalf of the VERITAS Collaboration
Improved IGMF limits from Fermi and MAGIC observations of 1ES 0229+200
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I. Vovk
Evidence for cosmic ray escape: the GeV to TeV morphology of the $\gamma$-Cygni SNR with MAGIC and Fermi-LAT
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M.C. Strzys
Ten years of H.E.S.S. I extra galactic observations revisited
F. Brun, D. Sanchez, J. Chevalier and  on behalf of the H.E.S.S. collaboration
Probing high-energy acceleration processes in S5 0716+714 using combined Fermi-LAT and MAGIC observations
B. Rani, G. Pedaletti, E. Lindfors, M. Manganaro and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT and MAGIC collaborations
Temporal analysis of an unprecedented data set for the gamma-ray blazar 1ES 1215+303: Fermi-LAT and VERITAS light curves spanning ten years
J. Valverde, D. Horan, G. Noto, R. Mukherjee, D. Bernard and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT & VERITAS Collaborations
Session Analysis Techniques
Information field theory for gamma ray astronomy
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T.A. Ensslin
Searches for Angular Extension in High-Latitude Fermi-LAT Sources
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R. Caputo
A new way of searching for transients: the ADWO method and its results
Z. Bagoly, D. Szecsi, J. Ripa, I.I. Rácz, I. Csabai, L. Dobos, I. Horvath, L.G. Balázs and L.V. Tóth
Time Domain Astronomy with Fermi GBM in the Multi-messenger Era
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C. Wilson-Hodge
An Overview of the GBM Targeted Search For Sub-threshold Emission Associated with LIGO/Virgo Detections
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D. Kocevski
Improving the Fermi LAT source catalog and interstellar emission model
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J. Ballet
The second catalog of flaring gamma-ray sources (2FAV): observing astrophysical accelerators in real time
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R. Buehler
Effects of Biases of the Interstellar Emission Models on Point Source Finding and Characterization with the Fermi-LAT
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E. Charles
Towards the First Catalog of Fermi-LAT sources below 100 MeV
G. Principe,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, D. Malyshev and S. Funk
Calorimeter-less gamma-ray telescopes: Optimal measurement of charged particle momentum from multiple scattering by Bayesian analysis of Kalman filtering innovations.
D. Bernard and M. Frosini
The first VEGAS-free, exact, 5D, polarized photon-to-e+e-pair conversion event generator
D. Bernard
The Fermi Large Area Telescope: 9 years of on-orbit performance
R. Cameron and  on behalf of the Fermi Large Area Telescope Collaboration
Finding untriggered gamma-ray transients in the Fermi GBM data
M. Hui, M.S. Briggs, P. Veres and R. Hamburg
The Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML)
G. Vianello, R.J. Lauer, J.M. Burgess, H. Ayala, H. Fleischhack, P. Harding, M. Hui, S. Marinelli, V. Savchenko and H. Zhou
Image Reconstruction Utilizing the High-Dimensional Data Space of Future Gamma-ray Telescopes
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A. Zoglauer
COMPTEL Reloaded: a heritage MeV data project
W. Collmar and A. Strong
A Novel Framework for Gamma-ray Source Classification using Automatic Feature Selection
A.P. Leung, Y. Tong, R. Li, S. Luo and C.Y. Hui
Session Galactic Diffuse Emission and cosmic-ray propagation
Cosmic rays and the diffuse gamma-ray emission
F. Donato
Development of the Galactic Diffuse Emission Model for the LAT 4FGL Catalog Analysis
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S.W. Digel
Cosmic rays, gas, and dust in local clouds
Q. Remy,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration and I. Grenier
Diffuse X-ray emission from Loop I: Additional evidence of past activity of Galactic Center and relation to Fermi Bubbles
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M. Akita
Spiral Arm Signatures in Fermi-LAT's spectral index map
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N. Shaviv
High-energy $\gamma$-Rays from the Milky Way: 3D Interstellar Emission Models with GALPROP
T.A. Porter, G. Johannesson and I.V. Moskalenko
Constraining the emission of cosmic electrons from supernova remnants with flux, dipole anisotropy and radio data
S. Manconi, M. DiMauro and F. Donato
Measurement of the Cosmic-ray Proton Spectrum with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
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D. Green
Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray study of the Chamaeleon molecular cloud complex using thermal dust optical depth obtained with Planck
K. Hayashi and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
New 3D models of interstellar gas and their impact on high-energy interstellar emission.
G. Johannesson, T.A. Porter and I.V. Moskalenko
Cosmic rays in the Orion-Eridanus superbubble
T. Joubaud, I. Grenier and J.M. Casandjian
Evidence for GeV Cosmic Rays from White Dwarfs in the Local Cosmic Ray Spectra and in the Gamma-ray Emissivity of the Inner Galaxy
T. Kamae, S.H. Lee, K. Makishima, S. Shibata and T. Shigeyama
Galactic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission From 3D Cosmic-Ray Transport Models
R. Kissmann, O. Reimer and F. Niederwanger
Study of the Interstellar Medium and Cosmic-rays in Local HI Clouds
T. Mizuno and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Cosmic Rays from Multifrequency Observations of the Interstellar Emission
Session Extragalactic Diffuse Emission and Extragalactic Background Light
Cosmic rays, particle acceleration, and Fermi constraints on star and galaxy formation
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C. Pfrommer
Radio and Gamma-Ray Constraints on the Wind, Magnetic Field, and Cosmic Rays along the minor axis of the starburst M82
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B. Buckman
X-ray to gamma-ray virial shock signal from the Coma cluster
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U. Keshet
The Extragalactic Background Light in the Fermi Era
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M. Ajello
Measuring the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density with Fermi-LAT
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J. Finke
Exploring the full information content of the extragalactic gamma-ray sky maps
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A. Cuoco
Measuring the Galaxy Luminosity Density out to z~6 with Fermi-LAT
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K. Helgason
The Density of Blazars above 100 MeV and the Origin of the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background
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L. Marcotulli
Extragalactic Background Light Measurements from a Combined Likelihood Analysis of Blazars Detected with the MAGIC Telescopes
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A. Dominguez
Study of the anisotropy of the unresolved gamma-ray background
M. Negro and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Updated Fermi-LAT Constraints on the Extragalactic Background Light
T. Armstrong and J. Graham
Deriving the contribution of point sources to the Extragalactic gamma-ray background with efficiency corrections and photon statistics
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M. Di Mauro
Characterization of the Local Universe via cross-correlations
S. Ammazzalorso, N. Fornengo, S. Horiuchi and M. Regis
A Galactic Center Excess in the Andromeda Galaxy M31 Seen with the Fermi -LAT
X. Hou, M. Pierrick and  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Detection of virial shocks in stacked Fermi-LAT clusters
I. Reiss, J. Mushkin and U. Keshet
Session Dark Matter
Limits on Dark Matter annihilation signal from dwarf galaxies with prior-free astrophysical factors
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A. Chiappo
Probing the nature of dark matter with gamma rays: what we learned from the LAT and prospects for the CTA
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G. Zaharijas
Indirect Axion and Axionlike Particle Searches at Gamma-Ray Energies
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M. Meyer
Dark matter theory: implications and future prospects for Fermi
P. Scott
Spectral modulation of non-Galactic plane Gamma-ray pulsars due to photon-ALPs mixing in Galactic magnetic field.
J. Majumdar, F. Calore. and D. Horns.
Fermi -LAT Limit on Individual Primordial Black Holes
D. Malyshev, C. Johnson, S. Ritz and S. Funk
Sensitivity of CTA to the Detection of a Dark Matter Signal in comparison to Direct Detection and Collider Experiments
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M. Meyer
Spotting imprints of dark matter in the extragalactic Fermi sky with photon counts statistics
H. Zechlin, S. Manconi and F. Donato
Realistic estimation for the detectability of dark matter subhalos with Fermi-LAT catalogs
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F. Calore
Session The Sun and the Neutrino-Gamma Connection
Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of the Sun: The first ten years
M. Pesce-Rollins, N. Omodei, A. Allafort, V. Petrosian, S. Raino and W. Liu
Search for GeV neutrinos associated with solar flares with IceCube
G. De Wasseige and  on behalf of the IceCube Collaboration
Origin of cosmic neutrinos in the Fermi context
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W. Winter
A minimal model for extragalactic high-energy particles
M. Kachelriess, O. Kalashev, S. Ostapchenko and D. Semikoz
On the Detection Potential of Short Blazar Flares for Current Neutrino Telescopes
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M. Kreter
The Quiet Sun in Gamma Rays: Modeling of the CR Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
E. Orlando, N. Giglietto, I.V. Moskalenko, S. Raino' and A.W. Strong
Session Future Gamma-ray Missions
The Path from COSI to COSI-X
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A. Zoglauer
Polarimetry and high angular resolution gamma-ray observations in the MeV regime using a novel detector concept
D. Horan and  on behalf of the HARPO Collaboration
All-Sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO) - A discovery mission for the MeV gamma-ray band
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J.S. Perkins
Viability of a nano-satellite Compton space telescope
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F. Berlato
Monitoring of gamma-ray burst with a fleet of nanosatellites
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M. Ohno
Exploring the particle nature of dark matter with the All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO)
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R. Caputo
All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO): Simulations of the Instrument performance
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R. Caputo
Development and Testing of the AMEGO Silicon Tracker System
S. Griffin and  on behalf of the AMEGO Team
The MERGer-event Gamma-Ray (MERGR) Telescope
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J.E. Grove
BurstCube: A CubeSat for Gravitational Wave Counterparts
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J.S. Perkins
Gamma-ray Burst and Gravitational Wave Counterpart Prospects in the MeV Band with AMEGO
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J. Racusin