Spectra and multiplicities from NA61/SHINE
S. Pulawski* on behalf of the NA61/SHINE Collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 16, 2018
Published on:
January 22, 2018
One of the main physics goals of the NA61/SHINE programme on strong interactions is the study of the properties of the onset of deconfinement. This goal is pursued by performing an energy (beam momentum 13A-158A GeV/c) and system size (p+p, p+Pb, Be+Be, Ar+Sc, Xe+La) scan. This paper reviews results and plans of NA61/SHINE. In particular, recent inclusive spectra in inelastic p+p and centrality selected Be+Be, Ar+Sc interactions at the SPS energies will be shown. The energy dependence of quantities inspired by the Statistical Model of the Early Stage (kink, horn and step) shows interesting behavior in p+p collisions, which is not described by Monte-Carlo models. Moreover a comparison with Be+Be and other results from heavy ion experiments will be performed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.311.0017
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