Strangeness photoproduction at the BGO-OD experiment
T. Jude*,
S. Alef,
P. Bauer,
D. Bayadilov,
R. Beck,
J. Bieling,
A. Bella, S. Boese, A. Braghieri, K. Brinkmann, D. Burdeynyi, P. Cole, R. Di Salvo, D. Elsner, A. Fantini, O. Freyermuth, S. Friedrich, F. Frommberger, G. Gervino, F. Ghio, A. Gridnev, E. Gutz, D. Hammann, J. Hannappel, W. Hillert, R. Jahn, R. Joosten, F. Klein, K. Kohl, B. Krusche, A.M. Lapik, P. Levi Sandri, V.P. Lisin, I.V. Lopatin, G. Mandaglio, F. Messi, R. Messi, V. Metag, D. Moricciani, A.N. Mushkarenkov, M. Nanova, V.G. Nedorezov, D. Novinskiy, P. Pedroni, A.S. Polonski, B. Reitz, M. Romaniuk, G. Scheluchin, H. Schmieden, A. Stugelev, V. Sumachev, V. Tarakanov, V. Vegna, D. Walther, H. Zaunick and T. Zimmermannet al. (click to show)*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
February 16, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
The BGO-OD experiment at the ELSA accelerator facility uses an energy tagged bremstrahlung photon beam to investigate the excitation spectrum of the nucleon. The setup consists of a highly segmented BGO calorimeter surrounding the target, with a particle tracking magnetic spectrometer at forward angles.
BGO-OD is ideal for investigating the photoproduction of hadrons of non-zero strangeness. The high momentum resolution at forward angles covers a kinematic region where t-channel exchange mechanisms play a
dominant role. Access to this low momentum transfer region also allows
the investigation of degrees of freedom not derived from constituent quark models, for example, the role of (vector) meson - baryon interactions and dynamically generated states in photoproduction reactions.
Data taking for the first part of an extensive physics programme is
complete and preliminary results and ongoing analysis are presented.
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