The effects of explicit chiral symmetry breaking multiquark interactions on the spin 0 and 1 meson nonets: the ruling of the vector mesons.
J. Morais*, B. Hiller and A.A. Osipov
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
We have recently extended the scalar-pseudoscalar sector of a generalized NJL Lagrangian that includes all NLO non derivative interactions in Nc counting (including explicit symmetry breaking ones) in order to incorporate the spin 1 mesons in the low-lying ground state of QCD. Upon bosonization, the well known mixing of the scalar-vector and of the pseudoscalar- axial-vector fields occurs in the quadratic part of the Lagrangian. We show that a linearized diagonalization of these terms can be effected in a completely general way without compromising the underlying symmetries of the Lagrangian. The resulting spin 1 mass spectra evidence a relation involving only the vector and axial-vector meson masses and the constituent quark masses. We discuss the dominant role of this relation in the fits and we show that the model may be fitted to accommodate to a very good accuracy the 4 low-lying meson spectra.
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