Hadron Mass Effects on Kaon Multiplicities: HERMES vs. COMPASS
J.V. Guerrero* and A. Accardi
Published on:
March 23, 2018
Experimental data for integrated kaon multiplicities taken at HERMES and COMPASS measurements look incompatible with each other. In this talk, we investigate the effects of hadron masses calculated at leading-order and leading twist at the kinematics of these two experiments. We present evidence that Hadron Mass Corrections can fully reconcile the data for the $K^+/K^-$ multiplicity ratio, and can also sizeably reduce the apparent large discrepancy in the case of $K^+ + K^-$ data. Residual differences in the shape of the latter one remains to be understood.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.308.0055
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