Plans and status of the LHCb upgrade
Pre-published on:
October 20, 2017
Published on:
November 08, 2017
LHCb (Large Hadron Collider beauty) is a high precision experiment dedicated to searching for New Physics beyond the Standard Model in heavy flavour sector. With the Run 2 (2015 – 2018) data taking period coming to its end it seems less and less likely that the New Physics will be observed directly (energy frontier). Since LHCb is optimised to perform indirect studies and is sensitive to mass scales up to 50 TeV (intensity frontier) it may play a key role in a potential discovery of New Physics phenomena. This expectation is supported by many intriguing anomalies, especially related to rare decays and lepton flavour universality, observed and reported by LHCb. Thus, it is essential for LHCb to enter the high luminosity phase and continue data taking beyond LHC Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). For this the LHCb experimental setup needs a major upgrade that is being planned for years 2019 and 2020. In this note we will discuss selected aspects of this project
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