PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 303 - Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory (LL2018) - Parallel 4
Precise determination of the strong coupling from energy-energy correlation
Z. Tulipant*, A. Kardos, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi and A. Verbytskyi
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Published on: October 02, 2018
In this contribution we present a determination of the strong coupling from a fit of QCD predictions for energy-energy correlation measured in electron-positron collisions at various center-of-mass energies. Experimental data are compared to precise theoretical calculations
incorporating NNLO QCD predictions combined with NNLL resummation in the back-to-back region. Hadronization corrections are assessed using modern shower Monte Carlo programs matched to NLO fixed-order computations. The final result obtained from a global fit is $\alpha_S(M_Z)=0.11750\pm0.0287(comb.)$.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.303.0030
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