Detection of the galactic supernova neutrino signal in NOvA experiment
A. Sheshukov*, A. Habig and On behalf of the NOvA collaboration
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
This work describes a data-driven trigger designed to detect neutrino signal from a galactic supernova using the NOvA detectors. NOvA experiment is designed to measure neutrino oscillations in a $\nu_\mu$ beam with average energy of 2 GeV and has little overburden, detecting interacting neutrinos with tens of MeV energy from a supernova requires dedicated data selection and background reduction. Studying these neutrinos can provide information about the processes affecting the supernova explosion, probe existing supernova models, and in comparison to other neutrino experiments with different sensitivities, could answer questions about the neutrino properties as the neutrinos transit both the protoneutron star and the empty space on their way to Earth. We present the efficiency for detecting the neutrino signal depending on the supernova model and the distance to the progenitor star.
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