Having no significant radioactive isotopes and high light yield, liquid xenon is a favorite for low
background scintillation detection. With ~40cm the Rayleigh scattering length for its
scintillation emission at 175nm is limited though, presenting a challenge for position sensitive
scintillation detection and signal extraction in large single phase detectors. In a 1984 paper it
was shown that introducing ~200ppm fluorine into the liquid xenon allows for longer
wavelengths emission at 370nm and 680nm when stimulated with 243nm laser light. Since like
xenon itself fluorine adds no long lived radioactive isotopes, these longer wavelengths could be
an attractive solution to the scattering problem in large low background single phase liquid
xenon detectors.
We present a setup designed to verify such longer wavelength scintillation emissions from
fluorine doped liquid xenon.