Volume 301 - 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017) - Session Dark Matter. DM-instrumentation
Study of Fast Moving Nuclearites and Meteoroids using High Sensitivity CMOS Camera with EUSO-TA
F. Kajino*, S. Takami, M. Nagasawa, M. Takahara, N. Yamamoto, M.E. Bertaina, A. Cellino, M. Casolino, N. Ebizuka, L.W. Piotrowski, Y. Tameda  on behalf of the JEM-EUSO Collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: August 16, 2017
Published on: August 03, 2018
Nuclearites are hypothetical super-heavy exotic particles and may be important components of the dark matter in our Universe. They are expected to have typical geocentric velocities of ~220 km/s, if they exist. Interstellar meteoroids are other interesting bodies, which can be distinguished from solar system meteoroids based on geocentric velocities larger than the limit of 72 km/s, corresponding to the sum of escape velocity from the solar system and the velocity of the Earth around the Sun. We have been studying the feasibility to search for such fast moving particles by using very high sensitivity CMOS cameras. We also propose co-observations with EUSO-TA to check the slow trigger application and to help the analysis of the observational data of EUSO-TA.
We observed many meteor events by a single and a stereo camera system. We can estimate the observable mass range of the nuclearites and the interstellar meteoroids from the sensitivity of the camera system for these fast moving events using the observed meteor events. Observable flux limits are estimated for these mass ranges.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.301.0924
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