An excess of extreme TeV blazars from the Fermi LAT distribution on the voidiness parameter
E. Khalikov* and
T. Dzhatdoev*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
Recently it was found that Fermi LAT blazars with relatively hard ($\gamma<$3) observed spectra above 10 GeV are predominantly located towards the directions to voids in the large scale structure and, moreover, the observed flux of $E>$10 GeV $\gamma$-rays is usually greater for the case of such directions. This effect may be interpreted in the framework of the "electromagnetic cascade model" (T.A. Dzhatdoev et al., A&A, 603, A59 (2017)). Namely, the secondary (cascade) component significantly enhances the observable flux in the 10-500 GeV energy region, rendering the sources brighter in this energy range. The model predicts the existence of a new population of blazars with very hard spectra in the 10 GeV-1 TeV energy region that could be discovered in future by the CTA observatory.
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