The LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) project, which is under construction at high altitude of 4400m a.s.l. in Sichuan, China,aims to observe the extensive air showers (EAS) induced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere. LHAASO consists of several large detector arrays including KM2A (1 km$^2$ array), WCDA (Water Cherenkov Detector Array) and WFCTA (Wide Field of view Cherenkov Telescope Array). By employing hybrid detection technique, LHAASO offers an accurate measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum and composition around the knee region. Furthermore, the primary particle identification can be obtained by using Multivariate Analysis (MVA).
In this contribution, we present the parameters that will be measured by various detectors of LHAASO in the EAS detection and discuss the performance of the MVA method for primary particle identification.