The Data Processor System of EUSO-SPB
G. Osteria*, F. Perfetto, V. Scotti, F. Cafagna, C. Fornaro on behalf of the JEM-EUSO Collaboration
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
We will present the Data Processor (DP) and the flight software of EUSO-SPB. The EUSO-SPB experiment is a pathfinder mission of the EUSO program having as main objective to detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) by measuring, for the first time from the space, the fluorescence and the Cerenkov light produced by the interaction of the particle with the nuclei of the Earth's atmosphere. The instrument is a telescope of smaller dimension in respect to the one designed for the ISS, mounted on an unpressurised gondola of a super pressure pumpkin balloon. EUSO-SPB was launched from the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility of Wanaka Airport (New Zealand) on the 24th of April 2017, 22:50 and lasted for 12 days 4.5 hours aloft.
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