ALPAQUITA Array in the ALPACA Project
K. Kawata*, T. Asaba, K. Hibino, N. Hotta, M. Kataoka, Y. Katayose,
C. Kato, H. Kojima, R. Mayta, P. Miranda, K. Munakata, Y. Nakamura, M. Nishizawa, S. Ogio, M. Ohnishi, A. Oshima, M. Raljevich, H. Rivera, T. Saito, T.K. Sako, T. Sasaki, S. Shibata, A. Shiomi, M. Subieta, M. Suzuki, N. Tajima, M. Takita, Y. Tameda, K. Tanaka, R. Ticona, H. Tsuchiya, Y. Tsunesada, S. Udo, M. Wakamatsua on behalf of the ALPACA collaborationet al. (click to show)
Pre-published on:
August 16, 2017
Published on:
August 03, 2018
We are now proposing a new project which consists of a large air shower array (83,000 m^2) and a muon detector array (5,400 m^2) located at the altitude of 4,740 m near La Paz in Bolivia to observe 100 TeV gamma rays in the southern sky. The ALPAQUITA array is a prototype air shower array which will be constructed at the ALPACA site. This array consists of 45 scintillation counters of 1 m^2 in area each, and its effective area is approximately 8,000 m^2 (1/10 of ALPACA air shower array). In the present paper, we report on the current status and the performance of the ALPAQUITA array
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