An analysis of anisotropies in the arrival directions of galactic protons, electrons and positrons has
been performed with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station using
the first five years of data taking. Results on a dipole signal in Galactic coordinates are reported.
The positron to proton and positron to electron ratio is consistent with isotropy. For energies
above 16 GeV a limit of δ < 0.02 at the 95% confidence level is obtained.
The electron to proton ratio is consistent with isotropy. For energies above 16 GeV a limit of
δ < 0.004 at the 95% confidence level is obtained.
The ratio of high rigidity protons to low rigidity protons is consistent with isotropy. For energies
above 80 GV a limit of δ < 0.002 at the 95% confidence level is obtained.
Limits on the absolute anisotropies in protons, electrons and positrons are consistent with the
limits derived from the relative anisotropies. No indication of any time dependence is observed
for all particle species within the present statistics.